Cerulean City

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"Wow this city is cool" I said to Summer finally in Cerulean City.

"Yeah it's nice isn't it," Summer said agreeing with me.

"Is there really a gym here to?" I asked her.

"Yeah, for sure I've heard there was one here,"

"Oh, well guess I should go then," I wonder how hard this gym will be though, I thought remembering how hard the Pewter Gym was.

"Hey don't pull the long face with me, you'll do fine," Summer said, I must've had a worried face.

"Thanks," I said.

"Well there's actually some things me and Growlithe have to do, so I'll catch you later," she said.

"Growl," her Growlithe barked.

"Oh ok, then bye," I said, lifting my hand up.

"See you," Summer said, waved and walked away.

"Well Vulpix you ready to see Cerulean Gym?" I asked looking down at her.

"Vulpix" she said, nodding her head.

"Alrighty then," I said, lightly smiling.

I looked at a map of the city, thankfully it was easy to read, I didn't have too much trouble finding the gym. We were a few feet from it, and it looked big from where we stood.

"Look at that Vulpix," I said.

"Vul," she said.

Seeing the building, I realized what this trainer's pokémon specialty was.

The first thing you notice was a huge white pokemon figure on the building, I think it's a Dewgong. The roof was round with pink and yellow stripes, the bottom had little pillars, and underneath the Dewgong were waves and that's where it said CERULEAN GYM.

"Here we go," I said, and were ready to enter the gym.


I didn't know what to expect when I was inside, but it seemed like it was a theater or something. There were some halls that had doors you go through, and there're posters of models with water pokémon on some of the walls.

"Umm..hello," I suddenly heard a low voice say next to me.

I turned my head and it was a girl. She was taller than me, and looked like she might be Summer's age. She had pink hair with purple tips that was tied in a ponytail, also has bangs. Her eyes were a goldish-orange, she had a white towel around her neck and was wearing a yellow one-piece bathing suit with daisies on it.

"Oh, hi," I said.

"Uh, are you here to challenge the gym?" the girl asked, her voice still low. I guess she was shy like me.

"Yeah I am, but this doesn't look like a.." I started to say, but the girl started talking.

"I'm sorry but I actually need to be somewhere, there's a show going on just go in those doors and you'll find what you're looking for," the girl said and ran off.

"Hey wait," I tried calling her, but she was already gone.

"Guess she was busy," I said, she said a show, I thought to myself.

Getting close to one of the doors I can hear cheers on the other side, and we went in.

It was a dark passage but ahead were lights and a guy's voice announcing through a speaker.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the stars of our show. The sensational, Cerulean City synchronize swimming sisters."

This was some kind of theater, the passage lead to an area where rows of seats were and a lot people were here too. Several feet down there was a pool, and then high above it was a diving board where three girls were standing.

They were waving as they were being introduced, the whole audience was cheering. Then they jumped from the diving board at the same time and dived into the pool. Making the crowd cheer more.

The girls were now doing tricks; spinning around in some pose, then they dipped the top half of their body in the water and posing their legs, and more. It was all in perfect sync.

Vulpix and I just watched the performance.

"This is cool and all, but isn't this suppose to be a pokémon gym, Vulpix," I said, putting my hand on the back of my head confused.

"Vul," she said, still watching the show.

It was later when the show ended, I went through the exit like everyone else. Still having questions.

"I just don't understand it," I said going down the stairs, and was surprised to what it lead down to.

"Wow, it's like an aquarium," I said, it was a hall with fish tanks for walls, I looked at the water type pokémon through the glass.

"Is this really a pokémon gym?" I said under my breath.

Suddenly I heard a group of girls coming down the hall.

It was the girls who were doing the show. They both had the same type of short dress swimsuit, but different colors. The blonde girl had a red one, the bluenette's was green, and the girl with hot pink hair was orange.

I decided to walk up to them, hopefully they'll give me some answers.

"Umm excuse me,." I began to say, but the pink hair girl already cut me off.

"Sorry little girl, but if you want an interview you'll have to like, call our manager first."

"Oh no, that's not why..," I began, but she cut me off again.

"We don't do autographs either," she said.

"I don't want an autograph. I just want to know if this is really a pokémon gym," I explained.

"Oh yeah, it sure is," the bluenette said.

"Oh it is, I'm here to battle the gym trainer."

"You're looking at them," the blonde said.

"Huh," I said.

"The three of us are the gym trainers here," the blonde explained.

"We're the sensational sisters, I'm Lily," the pink haired girl said.

"I'm Violet," the bluenette said.

"and I'm Daisy," the blonde said.

"Wait, if you're gym trainers, what was with the water show," I asked.

"It's like our hobby, and our fans love to watch us perform," Lily said.

"Our talents give a big splash," Violet said.

"Ohh I see," I said, understanding, but then realized, "Wait does that mean I have to challenge all three of you!" I almost yelled, feeling really nervous.

"You don't have to," Daisy said, "You can choose one out of three of us if you want," she offered.

"Oh," I just said, and now looked at each of them, which girl should I battle.

"Hey don't forget that I'm considered a trainer here to!" I heard someone suddenly yell.

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