The Journey Begins

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~*~ 5 Years Later ~*~

I woke up and stretched my arms yawning.

I was really drowsy, but I looked at my clock it was March 27, 7:30 A.M. Why did the date seem important I thought sleepy, then things clicked in place and I shot up in excitement. My Vulpix jumped and looked at me scammering around the room.

"Sorry I scared you," I told her slightly breathless. "Today's the day Vulpix, today I finally get my pokemon trainer license."

"Vulpix," she said happily.

"I'll be right back," I grabbed my towels and headed to the rest room.

The reason why I was so excited is because I turned ten just a few weeks ago, so now I can get my pokemon license and finally become a pokemon trainer.

When I finished showering I combed through my damp hair, and went back to my room to change.

Vulpix was perched on the stand I made her next to the window. She liked being there to sleep sometimes or just to stare through it.

When I put on my clothes and was slipping into my boots, a knock was on my door and I said, "Come in."

"You ready?" My Aunt called, and peaked slowly.

She saw I was ready and exclaimed while putting her hands over her mouth, "Oh, look at you, all grown up and about to begin your journey." Then she grabbed and embraced me, and lightly sobbed.

"Aunt Sophie, please don't cry, you did it all of last night," I breathed.

She let me go, "I'm sorry dear, it just seems like yesterday you were a baby, and now look at you," She repeated emotionally.

I groaned, but she grabbed my hand, "Come downstairs, I made your favorite breakfast." She said.

"Oh thanks Aunt," I then called, "Come Vulpix," but she was already following us.

Uncle Hugo was at the foot of the stairs, "Morning, you ready for your big day Emily?" He said hugging me when we reached him.

"Yeah I am," I said, but if I was honest I was kinda nervous.

"Where's John?" I asked when Sophie served me french toast.

"He's out for an errand," Hugo said, sipping his coffee.

"Don't worry dear, he'll make it back to take you to the pokemon laboratory." Sophie said.

"Ok," I said. Then I was eating the delicious french toast. I fed Vulpix some berries, she always looked at me with those cute, icy blue eyes. To this day none of us knew how she has such eyes.

I went upstairs after breakfast and tried fixing my hair, but after several failed attempts, I gave up.

It was already time for me to go so I went downstairs with Vulpix right on my heels, and saw John in the living room.

"Hey sis, hi Vulpix," He said smiling, "You guys ready?"

"Yes," I said trying to sound convincing, he chuckled knowing I was nervous, "Come on you're going to be late."

"We'll see you at the laboratory," Aunt Sophie called from upstairs.

"Be safe," Uncle Hugo added.

"Will do," John called out, and we left.

We were in the skies, it was a nice day, but the ride would be more calming if John wasn't so tense. Ever since that day John has been overly cautious whenever we were in the air. He even refused me to ride on Pidgeot for almost two years. I had to convince him that I wasn't a baby, and he seemed to loosen lightly.

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