Mt. Moon

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We were in front of the cave and the opening looked pretty big and dark.

"Is this really Mt. Moon?" I asked.

"Yup it is ," she said. "Well we're not getting any younger let's go in."

I felt hesitant and didn't move, and Summer noticed I wasn't behind her.

"Hey what's wrong?" she asked.

"Growl," her Growlithe barked.

"Umm, well..," I mumbled.

"Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark,"

"Mmm, kinda," I said low.

"Wait seriously?"

I felt embarrassed now, it's dumb for a 10-year-old to be afraid of the dark.

"Well," Summer continued, "We'll be fine, I have a flashlight," she was waving a flashlight in her hand, I didn't even see when she got it.

"Yeah, I shouldn't be afraid," I said, standing up straight.

"Plus you won't go there all by yourself," Summer said.

"True," I said, and then Vulpix jumped in my arms.

"Vulpix," she cried, and licked me

"Alright well let's go in," I slightly chuckled.

"Onward," Summer said, and pretended to march and Growlithe did also.

I laughed and played along as we entered. My nervousness didn't completely go away though.

Though the sunlight did hit inside the cave, it only went so far before it was really dark.

"Let there be light," Summer said, and turned on her flashlight.

Surprisingly her flashlight was really bright, it almost shone all of the cave.

"You don't have a flashlight?" Summer asked as we walked.

"No I don't actually," I said rubbing the back of my head.

"You should get one, it's places like these where they'll come in handy,"

"Yeah that's for sure," I said, my eyes looking wherever the light hit.

Suddenly something flew past us making Summer and I scream for a sec, but she shined the light on what it was, and it was a pokemon.

"Oh hey that's a Zubat," I said remember seeing it in a book, I took out my pokedex.

"Zubat, blind Pokémon with supersonic powers. Zubat live in caves and hate to fly outside in daylight.

The Zubat flew back more in the cave, "Hey come back here," I said about to follow it.

"Emily wait," Summer said, grabbing on to my sleeve.

I was gonna ask what's wrong, but then we heard a lot wings flapping and out of nowhere a bunch of Zubat came flying towards us.

"Gahhh, why is there so many of all sudden." I half screamed, I tried covering my head as they kept diving at us one by one.

"Well they, ahhh, normally are in groups like this, ahhh, but we need to get 'em off of us!" Summer yelled, and was trying to cover her head too.

"Vulpix use your Flamethrower." I told her.

"Yours too Growlithe," Summer half shouted.


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