The Pewter City Gym

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*Author Note* Yes I'm still alive, I'm sorry for not uploading new chapters, I've been really busy with life and also had major writer's block, thank you for all the fans that have been patient. Also I'm did quite a bit of story edits, see for yourself if you want. Again thank you for being patient enjoy.

"Here you go, your pokémon are all healed up," Nurse Joy said.

Vulpix jumped from the tray to me, saying her cry and licking me, "Haha good to see again," I said. "Thanks Nurse Joy,"

"You're welcome," she said.

"We should check into a hotel, it's about time hit the hay," Summer stretched her arms.

"I thought Pokémon Centers had rooms for trainers to sleep in,"

"Yeah they do, but they're already full, I asked right now when I was getting my pokémon."

"Oh ok, guess we should head out then,"

It was already night, so we need to find a place to sleep. Thankfully we just needed to check in one hotel and they had space.

When we entered our room, there was something I realized. We set our bags down, next to our beds.

"Do you wanna wash up first or do you want me to go first?" Summer asked.

"You can go first,"

"Alright then, I won't take long,"


Growlithe wanted to play with Vulpix but she seemed a little shy. I just giggled and sat on the bed, she jumped up on it also and I petted her.

I looked at the room it had nice blue walls and brown carpet with two full beds with bed side lamps also, even a little kitchen and table, it was cozy.

"Ok I'm done." Summer said out of the bathroom in her pjs.

"You know this is my first time in a hotel," I said.

"Oh really?" she said surprised.

"Yeah I've never really gone anywhere so, it's new but exciting,"

"It is," she said.

"Well let me go wash up," I said grabbing my things.

The bathroom was just as nice, when I went in, it had two sinks and mirrors, including a bath and shower. Several minutes later, I felt refreshed and in pjs, and went back to the room.

Summer was sitting on her bed with Growlithe and combing his hair. Maybe I should brush Vulpix's hair to it's been awhile.

I got her brush from my bag and worked on her after getting on the bed and putting her on my lap.

"So you're combing her hair to heh," Summer laughed a little.

"Yeah it's been a while," I said.

"Well a friend of mines said it's good to keep a pokémon well groomed."

"Yeah that is true." Vulpix seemed to enjoy it also so.

"By the way," I started to remember, "Do you know anything about a Pokémon League?"

Summer looked up. "Yeah, I've heard about it, the Pokémon League is basically a tournament, Pokémon competitions, for registered trainers."

"A competition?"

"Yeah, but to participate I think you need to have a certain number of gym badges, to show you beat them." She said combing Growlithe's front hair.

"What's a gym?"

"Think of it as a another way to train pokémon, you go battle against the gym leader. Who is the highest-ranking member of the gym."

"Ohh I see, now I get it." I said, I was brushing Vulpix's tails one by one.

"Why did you ask by the way?"

"Well I over heard these guys talking about a gym here and about a league." I explained.

"Oh, so you're thinking about joining?" Summer asked.

"It does sound interesting. I don't see why I shouldn't give it a try."

"You can if you want, but I know for sure that gyms are hard to beat."

"What do you mean?" I asked, now on Vulpix's last tail.

"Well you see, gyms aren't your everyday pokémon battle, they are way tougher and different. I've also heard that the Pewter City gym leader, Brock, specializes in rock type pokémon, and that he's really hard to beat."

"Oh really, rock type huh," and his name is Brock, I also thought.

"Yeah," Summer yawned, "Well tomorrow if you want we can go, but right now the only place we should be going is alseep." She said, and started going under her covers with Growlithe.

"Yeah you're right," I said, but I still sat up hugging Vulpix now.

"Well good night," she said, turning off her light.

"Good night," I said back.

I couldn't stop my mind from racing but I had to rest, so I turned off my lamp, went under my covers with Vulpix going in too, I went to sleep.
* * *
"Woah" was all I said.

We're standing right in front of the Pewter City Gym, Summer wasn't joking about the rock type speciality. Even the gym looked made entirely out of rock, with a house frame around it.

"Well, it's now or never,"

"Vulpix," Vulpix said encouraging.

"I'll be cheering you on Emily," Summer said, her and Growlithe two feet behind me.

"Thanks," I said.

Then we entered the gym's doors.

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