Traveling Buddy

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Summer was standing a few feet away from us, coming from behind a tree.


"Hey Emily," she said kinda embarrassed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was actually going this way to," she said.

"Oh you were?"

"Yeah," Summer nodded, "Growlithe," she called.

Then something came from the trees and stayed at Summer's feet.
The Growlithe.
He looked adorable, now I remember, I saw it in a book. Though it had a bandage on its left ear.

"Wow how cute," I took out my pokedex.

"Growlithe, a Puppy Pokémon of pleasant demeanor and great diligence. It drives enemies away with barks and bites."

"Yup that's him, I was thinking about training around here so Growlithe can get better. Can't believe I got beat by a brat and her Nidoran," she grumbled.

A brat and her Nidoran, that sounded familiar.

"Wait did she happen to have green hair and yellow colored eyes?" I asked

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I actually beat her when I was entering the city."

"Really, dang it, I wanted to be the one to teach her a lesson." Summer growled her aurora was fire red.

I felt a sweat drop behind me as I looked.

"By the way," she said coming back to normal, "you have a unique Vulpix. I don't think I've seen one that can breathe out blue fire before."

"Oh really?" I asked looking at her.

"Yeah, it's cool actually,"

"Well thanks,"

"Also, . . I kinda wanted to know if you don't mind me tagging along," Summer asked nervously.

"Uhh," was what escaped my lips then but they seemed pretty cool. "Well I don't see why not heh," I chuckled.

"Ok good," she said smiling.

I guess it wouldn't be too bad to have a person for company.

"So where you exactly headed? Summer said, breaking my thoughts.

"Umm, I believe the next town is Pewter City," I said, then I looked up at the sky, "but its gonna get dark soon,"

"Yeah you're right," Summer agreed, then she looked at Growlithe, "You know what to do," Then Growlithe made his bark and went up the trees.

"What are you...," I was about to say then Summer held up her hand.

All I saw was Growlithe suddenly climbing up a tree, then the trees' leaves consistently shook, within a moment a bunch of sticks come down and a branch here and there. Then he somehow got back down.

"Wow how'd you teach him to do that?" I asked.

"He was originally a police pup, he learned there.

"Oh that's really cool,"

As Summer started collecting the sticks, I bent down to get some to, "Alright now we need to find a nice place to sleep," she said.

We walked through the forest seeing where a good spot was.

There was a nice looking spot, it was a smallish area but it didn't have trees for a few feet and the grass seemed nice and soft.

"Ok here seems good," I said and put down the sticks where the fire would be, Summer did the same.

"Anyone want dinner," she asked.

"Dinner?" I repeated.

"Yeah, well its not much but I have stuff to make a pretty mean sandwich." she explained, I barley realized the big backpack she had as she slung it off her shoulder.

"Oh, are you sure, I'm sure I have some food in my bag still" I said hating to impose.

"No its fine, I have plenty," Summer insisted.

"Well alright then," I said still unsure. But speaking of which reminded me. I digged in my bag for Vulpix's food.

"You hungry Vulpix?" I asked her and I set the container down.

"Vul," she said, and started munching. "Alright you guys its chow time." I said taking out Bulbasaur and Caterpie.

They came out just as glad to eat, when they did their crys.

"You guys come out to," Summer said releasing her pokemon.

She had two other pokemon, one was a Pidgeotto, and her other one was, a Squirtle.

"Woah you have a Squirtle?" I said looking at it, it was so blue and its shell looked shiny. I took out my Pokedex.

"Squirtle. This Tiny Turtle Pokémon draws its long neck into its shell to launch incredible water attacks with amazing range and accuracy. The blasts can be quite powerful."

"Yeah I started my journey not too long ago, so I haven't caught much pokemon."

"Well that's why we do our best to catch them all," I said and scanned her Pidgeotto pokemon.

"Pidgeotto, an evolved form of the Pidgey. It is armed with sharp claws and dives from the sky to capture its prey. Unlike the more gentle Pidgey, Pidgeotto can be dangerous. Approach with extreme caution.

"Woah you have some pretty neat pokemon," I said, as they all eat and us making our subs.

"Thanks, I think yours are pretty cute to," Summer complimented back.

"I just hope I'll be good enough to be the best pokemon trainer." I said looking at my pokemon, especially at Vulpix.

"We all do" she said, then continued, "So how did you find Vulpix?"

"Well its kind of a long story," I started, then I told her a little bit of what happened in the forest.

After dinner, we put our pokemon back in their balls and set out our sleeping bags and went to bed.

Well Summer seemed sound asleep with Growlithe at her side, and Vulpix was on top of my chest, she seemed to be asleep to as I was stroking her back softly. At least they were getting some rest, I was restless.

What if being a pokemon trainer will be too much for me to handle.
And I remembered those two team rocket gangsters, and I looked at Vulpix. They were close to getting her, if they had...

I held my little Vulpix closer to me, embracing her with my head on her bangs. "I won't ever let anyone hurt you Vulpix, I promise." I whispered.

Vulpix nestled closer to me, making some cute sound. Then slowly I gave in to my exhaustion.

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