New Friend

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It was awhile before I saw a light, and then we were out of the forest, I already saw some buildings nearby. I was going to thank the little pokemon but suddenly she fell and was licking her front right paw, I bent down next her to see what was wrong.

She had a cut on it and was bleeding.

"Oh my," I said low, not sure what to do. I picked her up carefully, and looked for help.

I walked into the town and I spotted a cop that had blue hair, she was on weird car and I ran up to her.

"Excuse me offecer," I said, mumbling the last word. "This pokemon is hurt, I need help."

"Oh dear," she said, "Come with me I'll take you too the pokemon center," she pulled me on the car and drove.

I held on to the pokemon making sure she's ok. It was very fast when we made to a big building.

"Nurse Joy," the cop called and a lady with a big hat and pink hair in loops came out.

"Hello Officer Jenny," the nurse said, "what's the problem?"

"This girl said her pokemon is injured."

Then the nurse came around the desk, and looked at the pokemon, and was seeing the cut, but the pokemon hid more to me.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure your Vulpix is fixed up," then nurse Joy slowly carried her in her arms.

So that's the name of the pokemon, I thought.

When the nurse went away into a room the officer started asking me questions.

"Aren't you too young to train a pokemon, little one? What's your name?"

"I wasn't training it, I got lost in the forest and she saved me from a scary pokmeon." I told her.

"Oh my, how did . . . wait," she stopped, "What is your name?"

"My name is Emily,"

"Oh my gosh I found you!", she yelled loudly that I jumped.

"I got a report a half hour ago that a family lost their girl named Emily," she said to me. "You stay here in the pokemon center, I'll call them to let them know you're here."

"I'll watch her from here," Nurse Joy said and Officer Jenny went out the door.

"Would you like something to eat?" She asked, then my tummy growled.

"Yes please," I said.

"Oh ok, just wait a minute," she said.

I sat in the circle couch, I was worried about the little pokemon. I hope she was getting better.

The Nurse came to me with a big pink pokemon next to her, carrying a bowl. It was bigger than me, it had the same nurse hat and was carrying an egg on her belly.

"What pokemon is that?" I asked Nurse Joy.

"This is a Chansey," she said, "Every pokemon center has one because of their healing ability."

"Chansey," she sang and gave the bowl to me. It was macaroni and cheese, and it smelled good.

When I was eating Nurse Joy said that my Vulpix will be given back to me in a moment.

Chansey was playing with me and then the nurse came back with a ball of red-brown fur in her arms.

"Your Vulpix will be just fine now," she said handing Vulpix back to me, "Her scratch was only minor, it should heal up in no time,"

So she is a girl, Vulpix had a white bandage around her paw, her eyes closed but she opened them and looked up at me.

"Vulpix," she said lightly.

"Well I'll be at the counter if you need me, take care of her." Then Nurse Joy walked away.

Suddenly the door opened and Officer Jenny was there with my family.

"Oh Emily!" My auntie ran to me and hugged me.

"What happened?" My Uncle Hugo asked.

"I'm so sorry Emily, I didn't mean to," John started saying, but he sounded like he cried.

"Are you ok, did anything hurt you!" Auntie exclaimed looking all over me, then stopped when she saw something in my arms.

"What is that?" She asked.

"Its a Vulpix Auntie Sophie, she saved me in the forest, from a scary pokemon," I told her.

"Oh sweetie!" She said, hugging me again.

"Auntie, she's hurt, she got cut and Nurse Joy helped her. I don't want to leave her hurt, can I keep her please," I begged.

Auntie then looked at Vulpix, and was thinking, "I promise I'll take very good care of her," I added.

She looked at Uncle Hugo and they both nodded. "Well I don't see why not." She said.

"Yay!" I cheered. Hugging my new pokemon.

"That's a really nice Vulpix Emily," John said, still sad.

"Don't worry big brother," I said, "It wasn't your fault." I hugged him, making him feel better.

He didn't say anything else.

"Come on let's go home," Uncle Hugo said, and he picked me up with Vulpix. Then we went out the door.

When we got to the house Auntie cleaned up the scratches I had, she was mumbling how lucky I was that nothing happened to me.

After she finished, I went to my room and Vulpix was laying down on my bed but wasn't sleeping just resting with her icy blue eyes staring at the wall.

I sat on the bed next to her and petted her back softly. I layed down tired already, today felt long.

Vulpix looked at me and crawled up to my shoulder, licked my cheek.

I giggled, and said, "I'll take good care of you Vulpix," then added, "We can be best friends if you want."

Then she rubbed her head against my hand and said, "Vul-pix,"

She said it in two syllables, I believe that's what its called, I was learning that at school.

"I guess that's a yes," I said, petting her hair. She rested her head on my shoulders, with her eyes closed

"We'll always be friends," I whispered, I was trying to keep my eyes open, but it didn't work.

I fell asleep with my new pokemon friend.

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