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Me and Summer were sitting in one of the tables of the center while my pokémon were healing up.

I was just looking out the window, thinking about what just happened.

"Hey come on, don't be sad, you tried your hardest right." Summer said trying to comfort me.

"I guess so, I just didn't think he would be that tough to beat though,"

"Well I did warn you, but you said you were close to beating him right?"

"Yeah I was," I said, then I realized something, I was close, I was close to beating Brock.

"That's it." I said almost standing up.

"Ah, what's it?" Summer asked I guess I scared her a bit.

"I just need to train a bit more." I explained. "If I train my pokémon more I'm sure I can beat Brock."

"That's definitely a good idea,"

"Yeah I'll show him that I'm not just a weak kid," I said feeling fired up.

And Summer was cheering.

"Oh wait," she said, "I just remembered something."

"Yeah what is it?" I asked.

"Remember that guy who tried to sell us rocks when we came into town?"

"Yes.." I said not sure where this was going.

"Well when you went in the gym for your battle," Summer started. "I came across him again, and he was asking if I just came from the gym and I told him you were the one battling. And he got me upset because he was saying how you'll never be beat Brock..," she then started trailing off, giving a look at me.

But I just sat there listening, "It's ok, anyway you were saying.

"Anyway he basically told me about Brock and how his life is, and it's so sad."

"Sad, what do you mean?"

"Well Brock has ten little brothers and sisters that he takes care of all on his own. His father had left the family, never hearing from him again, and his mother did her best to support them buy sadly she passed away. Now he's all that his brothers and sisters have."

"That is sad," I said, surprised, "I never thought Brock had that kind of life."

"Yeah, I know," Summer agreed.

"Gahhhh,"I groaned, "Now how am I suppose to beat him after knowing that? And if I do I'm gonna feel guilty."

"As sad as it is, you're still gonna have to beat him if you want you're badge," Summer mended.

"Yeah true,"

"Emily," I suddenly heard a voice call me, it was Nurse Joy.

"Be right back," I told Summer.

"Here you are," she said, "All healthy and rested up,"

"Thank you," I said, picking up Vulpix, "Feeling better girl,"

"Vul," she said happily and licked my nose.

I giggled, "Good I'm glad,"

I got the rest of my pokéballs and said, "Hope you guys are well too," before I added them to my belt.

"So are Vulpix and your other pokémon good?" Summer asked when I came back.

"Yup," I said with Vulpix hopping up on the table making my point.

"That's a relief," she said, "well what are you going to do?"

"Well like I said me and my pokémon are gonna train and ask for a rematch." I told her.

"Sounds like a plan," Summer said.

"You ready to train up Vulpix," I asked raising my fist up.

"Vulpix," she said hopping on my shoulder.

"Then let's get going."

* * *

Me and my pokémon had trained for three days.

I would get up early in the morning and go near the forest and my pokémon and I would get to work.

We were challenged by some trainers and working together we beat them. And my Caterpie evolved into a Metapod, I was really excited my first pokémon to evolve. Vulpix and Bulbasaur were getting stronger as well.

Even Summer helped with my training, wanting to train her pokémon as well, we both had our pokémon practice battle.

As I spent time training I still couldn't help but think of Brock and the life he has. I can relate at some level, not having parents and all, but I still had an Aunt and Uncle that raised me and my brother, Brock sadly doesn't even have that.

* * *

"Emily," I heard my name, "Emily,"

I groaned. "Five more minutes," I mumbled. Pulling the sheets over me.

Suddenly I felt myself moving. I thought it was just me but the next thing I know I fall down to the ground, and then Vulpix was on top of me.

"Oww, what was that for," I groaned, looking up at Summer.

"Well, you left me no other choice," Summer said hands on her hips, "You're going to do your rematch today right."

"Ahhh!! That's right!" I said remembering, I got up fast to head to the restroom but my legs got caught in the blanket and I fell right back down.

"Ow.." I groaned. Not wanting to get up again.

"Wow you're a clutz huh," Summer giggled. Even Vulpix and Growlithe were laughing.

"Ha ha funny," I said sarcastically.

After the busy morning, I was set and ready to take on the Pewter City Gym again, I know me and my pokémon are ready for sure.

"Good luck," Summer said.

"Growl," her Growlithe agreed.

"Thanks," I said smiled at them and headed inside.

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