Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Amy pov


When I woke up...I was in a cage that looked like it was on an old ship...

I looked around and didn't see the merman that brought me down had to be more than one of them...

How stupid the think the can keep me here in this so called prison, maybe the don't know much about me...I laugh in my mind...but lets hear why the have me here first...

Speaking of the devil...hmmm but he sure is handsome...but he would look so much better if he smiled a little and took off that ugly expression...

"Ohhh so the Queen is awake?" I heard his voice in my head...

"I am no Queen...and why am I even here?"

"Ohhhh but you are the queen and you are here because I want you to be even though I do not know what she sees in you to give you such gift...hmm though I must say you are quite beautiful...too bad you have to die"


"Yes...we can not have a fake of our kind walking around or should I be seen swimming around? the way no offence but I was ordered to kill you...they say you would be a challenge that I would not be able to catch you but looks like they are wrong!"

I laugh...

"What are you laughing about? You would not be laughing like that when I get back! be good I will be back to finish this business later"

When he left...I used my shape shifting ability and turned into a sea snake and got out the cage...then I changed into a fish and swam as fast as I could to meet my parents boat...

I was almost there when I felt something behind me...

When I turned back it was the merman...but how did he...?

I made a dash and then transformed into a mermaid...I felt my senses increase...

He was close to me now...trying to catch me but all of a sudden... Adela appeared and grabbed him by the tail, pulling him and swimming downwards away from me... I was curious of what she might do to him but I could not risk being caught again...I am still puzzled how did he know it was me in that form? Giving my tale one hard flap I swam up to the boat and climbed on the deck breathing a little hard trying to catch my breath...

"What the hell Amy!!" yell mama

"I am sorry I was bored and went for a swim" I tried defending myself...

But before I could say more Adela appeared next to the deck where I was sitting.

"Are you alright Amy, I Promise you he will be punished accordingly for disrespecting you!"

"I am alright Adela but he could not keep me in a cage, I just wanted to know why he was doing that in the first place...i mean why he kidnap me"

" Did he say that?"

"Just that I have to die and he don't know why you give me the gifts because they can not be any fake walking or swimming around hmm that is all he said...hmm but he sounded like he was working with someone or like he was sent by someone to get rid of me...because he also said they told him that I would be hard to capture "

"What the hell is going on here Amy and who is this?" my ever so impatient mother asked...

"Mom I will explain everything later this is Adela she rules the mer-people"

"Will you find out why he was after me?"

"I will and please be safe...I will contact you when I know more... I have to go now...take care until I see you again...ohh take this when you want to communicate with me and you are not near the ocean put this in some water and say my name I will respond to you right away ok...bye now" she gave me a wave then disappeared.

"Explain young lady!"

"Oh god hold your horses!"

So I told them about all what happened...and how the mermaid blessed me to how I was captured then how I escaped...

My parents look relieved... I didn't tell them how the merman could pick me out even though I had shape shifted...

"Don't leave the ship without us knowing again Amy, I don't care how bored you are!" said my mom.

Then she and my father came and hugged me...I am surprised father hasn't said anything and he is usually the one that is extra protective...

"You will have to show us that new tale of yours...but not today I think you had enough water for now"

"Dad, are you ok?"

"Now you ask if he is ok? He was one minute away from jumping in there after you but...I had to remind him that you are strong and can handle the situation...but we were both coming down if you didn't come back up within the next have been down there for two hours...I had to hold your father down"

I ran to him and hugged him tight...

"I love you both so much"

" And we love you too" the said

"Ohh we will be leaving for land sooner than we planned because of what just happened I think it's the right decision to start travelling now"

"Ok dad...let's fire up this old baby!!"

They both laugh as we set sail for land....


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Happy reading!

By amy-lover-of-romance.

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