Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Lucas POV 

We were in the car, it was almost night, heading back to the kingdom. We had left the ship at nightfall. I never want to leave but my duties as a king will never allow me the comfort of enjoying my mate for as long as I wanted though that would not stop me from having her over and over again she has become my addiction. I admire her strong personality. I never liked a woman that pretended to be weak for attention, however I would never change even a single hair on her head.

The journey would take at least two hours and there were no guards with us because we were in the ship alone but I did mind linked my father to let him know that we were on our way. Amy had her eyes closed and was listening to the music that I introduced her to. It's amazing the amount of things that she did not know but I am so happy to teach her all the things that she missed out on when she was at sea. It's like teaching a newborn or a child something because her face always lights up whenever I show her something new. We were playing some soft music that I quite enjoyed myself. It was so peaceful until her eyes popped open and she looked like she was on high alert. That could only mean one thing. Oh fuck not again can we not have a break? 

"What is the matter baby?" I asked her, but she put her finger to her lip signaling me to be quiet. And looked out the window focusing on something but the car was going fast. I do not doubt her ability because mine was the same if I was not so distracted by her.

I used my wolf senses and then I heard them. They were running while some of them jumped from limb to limb following us.


We were surrounded by them. 

"Fuck!" I said, banging my hands on the steering. These fuckers needed to be extinct!

Amy let out a growl as one of them jumped on top of the moving vehicle that was going 120mph making the car go off the road a little but I brought it back on the road again. I tried to hold the steering stiff but that did not stop the car from hitting the tree that was set in the middle of the road causing the vehicle to over turn several times. I held the top of the car trying to keep myself in place, I watched as Amy anchored her body to the seat. She did not even move as the car overturned.

When the vehicle stopped I turned back to look at Amy but she was already getting ready for the attack, if we were not in this situation I would be so turned on right now.

She turned to look at me making sure I was alright. Did the role just get reversed? Then when she was satisfied she kicked the door open and got out, I did the same for my side. 

It feels wonderful to have a mate that is not fucking weak. It's a great turn on, I have to stop thinking of my dick right now.

"Well...well...well if it isn't the Alpha king and his beautiful mate, I bet her blood tastes even better" says Logan, Dimitri third in command.

"What the fuck do you want Logan, did your master not feed you so now you are thirsty too bad we cannot quench your thirst since our blood does damage to you as yours does to us." I told him, and watched as his canine lengthens.

"We do want your filthy blood Locas" he said as his minions came out from the forest and surrounded us.

"Are these the blood suckers that think they could rule the world?" Asked Amy as she watched them.

"You would be the first to die princess, though the megalodon would have been enough to rip your little wolf heart out, look at you, looking like a little kid" Logan says and Amy growls at them. 

"I will rip you apart just as I did to your mother fucking shark!" She says.

Then she did something that made all our eyes widen.

She transformed into a wolf twice the size of an original wolf, mine was big as a horse but hers right now was twice the size of that above the tree level with canines sticking out of his upper lip looking like a hybrid of a vampire and a wolf.

"Call me small now fucker!" Was heard as she attacked them.

I shifted and attacked as much as I could, because we were totally outnumbered but with Amy wolf we were at an advantage. 

Just one problem: their blood was poison to me or all werewolves but the way Amy was tearing their heads off shows that she was not affected, maybe because she was a shapeshifter and not an actual wolf.

Logan jumped on my back sinking his nails into my back but I shook him off and rested my paws on him as he struggled to get me off. 

But then another one jumped on my back making me growl when he stocked something in my back which made me angry so I let out a roar as I turned my body to fire and burned him off, killing Logan in the process also.

When I looked around all of the Vampires were dead and Amy was standing naked with blood covering her from head to toe, her white hair was now red with blood.

She walked towards me, my body was still on fire but it did not burn her when she touched me.

I bent down letting her climb on my wolf back then took off into the direction of our kingdom.

Linking my father to prepare for our return with blankets to cover our naked body.


So now in my head I am picturing a naked woman on a wolf that is on fire...

Happy reading...

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