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Title: “The One Where A First Kiss Happens.”

Scene 58: Interior / Liam’s Living Room / Day

Liam is getting dressed when Luke exits the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel.

LUKE: “I feel better now.”

LIAM: “Good.”

LUKE: “Wanna watch a movie or something?”

LIAM: “I need to be somewhere right now. I don’t mean to be rude but could you, please, hurry up?”

LUKE: “Sure.” (gets dressed) “Maybe we can hang out later.”

LIAM: “Listen, Luke.” (scratches his chin) “You do understand that this was accidental right?”

LUKE: (frowning) “Accidental?”

LIAM: “Yeah, accidental.”

LUKE: “You fucked me by accident?”

LIAM: “What I’m trying to say is that we were just having fun and that this doesn’t mean anything.”

LUKE: “I know that.”

LIAM: “Good, what happened today cannot ever happen again. Are we clear?”

LUKE: “Yeah, I’m so sorry. I just got really pissed when you left me waiting there.”

LIAM: “It wasn’t my fault. Louis is a really possessive guy. I told you.”

LUKE: (sighs) “I understand.”

LIAM: “As long as we keep this fun and casual, we can still do it from time to time.”

LUKE: “I get it.”

LIAM: (walks to the door and opens it for Luke to leave) “See you soon then.”

LUKE: “How do we do this? Do I text you or…”

LIAM: “No, I text you. You don’t text me because, you know… Louis.”

LUKE: “But he has to understand that you are not together anymore.”

LIAM: “I know, I know. But he just needs time. I’ll be free soon. Don’t worry.”

LUKE: “Okay.” (smiles) “Hey, about the pictures you took of me.”

LIAM: (grins) “What about them?”

LUKE: “Can you delete them?”

LIAM: “Don’t you trust me? Is that it?” (acts offended) “You know I’d never do anything to harm you.”

LUKE: “Yeah, but…”

LIAM: “I just want them for when I’m stressed so I can look at you and calm myself down.”

LUKE: (smiling, proud) “Just be careful, okay?”

LIAM: “Also… I’m going to keep them as a guarantee. If you make another scene, I’m afraid I’m going to have to use those pictures. I really don’t want to but… I’ll be forced to do so.”

It Started with a Selfie [larry stylinson a.u.]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu