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Title: “The One Where A Girl Touches Niall.”

Scene 60: Interior / Yale’s Lab / Day

Niall is wearing a white overall, safety glasses and gloves to transfer a green looking fluid from one tube to another. He watches the reaction of the fluids when they get mixed together and quickly goes to write something down on a notebook. He seems happy and excited.

NIALL: “Voilá!” (someone knocks on the door and Niall checks his clock) “Damn it!” (to the person knocking) “I’ll be out in a minute!”

Niall carefully observes the fluids as he writes some other notes down. Without him noticing, a girl named PATRICIA (21) enters the lab. She watches for a bit before she walks closer to scare him.

PATRICIA: (yells as she gently pushes him) “Boo!”

NIALL: (jumps scared, pissed) “Holy Damn! Are you kidding me?”

PATRICIA: (laughing) “I can’t believe you fell for that.”

NIALL: “I’m working with Strychnine. You could’ve killed me!”

PATRICIA: (unaffected) “Come on, don’t be boring. Though you look even hotter when you are mad.”

NIALL: (ignores the comment) “Did you book the lab for now?”

PATRICIA: “I did and it’s mine for the next 3 hours.”

NIALL: (focused on his duty) “I’ll finish in just one sec. I promise.”

PATRICIA: (walks to Niall, watches him from very close, seems very into him) “What are you working on?”

NIALL: “The thing I told you the other day.”

PATRICIA: “Oh, the laxant.”

NIALL: (offended) “What? It’s not a laxant!”

PATRICIA: (teasing, slowly running her finger through Niall’s arm) “What was it then?”

NIALL: “I’m not going to waste my saliva for a second time. I already explained it to you and you just don’t get it.” (frowns at her finger on his arm) “What are you doing?”

PATRICIA: (gets even closer) “What do you think I’m doing?”

NIALL: “Bothering me.” (turns around and walks to another table) “Can you help me out? I need to put all this inside of the fridge.”

PATRICIA: “Wouldn’t it be hot to do it right here?” (sits on the table) “Next to all these super inflammable fluids?”

NIALL: (frowning) “Do what?”

PATRICIA: “You know.” (walks closer to Niall) “It.”

NIALL: (swallows, nervous) “You mean my experiment?”

PATRICIA: “I can think of a long list of experiments I could do with you.”

NIALL: (playing clueless) “Which ones? I’m free. I can stay here if you need a hand with that thing you are working on. What was it about? The internal clocks, right?”

It Started with a Selfie [larry stylinson a.u.]Where stories live. Discover now