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Title: "The One With The Storm."

Scene 85 (continues): Interior / Harry's Bedroom / Night

Harry and Louis are standing right at Harry's bedroom door. Louis laughs and then covers his mouth with a hand but Harry takes the hand and holds it.

HARRY: "Don't do that. I love your smile."

LOUIS: "Well, I hate it."

HARRY: "But I don't and, since you lied to me before, I deserve to get whatever I want now."

LOUIS: "Sounds fair."

HARRY: "Oh." (curious) "So it's a thing? I can get whatever I want from you?"

LOUIS: (laughs, he is about to cover his mouth again but Harry stops him) "You can get a smile or two but that'd be it."

HARRY: (sighs) "I was thinking of a few other things I wanted but smiles are good too." (coughs) "For now at least."

LOUIS: (awkward, uncomfortable) "Elijah, huh?"

HARRY: "Yup."

LOUIS: "That's a nice name."

HARRY: "A sexy name, ain't it?"

LOUIS: "I like Harry better."

Desmond overhears the conversation from the stairs.


HARRY: "Dad?!"

DESMOND: "Shit." (walks to them, ashamed) "I come in peace."

HARRY: "Why are you doing this again? Are you spying on me?"

DESMOND: "I was coming to tell you that dinner is ready. Your mom sent me."

HARRY: "Well, we are not hungry yet." (turns to Louis) "Or are you?"

LOUIS: (mumbling) "I don't mind."

DESMOND: "Come on, guys. Give us a chance to behave properly this time."

HARRY: "Request denied."

DESMOND: "That's evil." (to Louis) "How about you, Kevin?" (lowers his voice) "Just ditch the princess and come have dinner with us."

LOUIS: (laughs) "I guess I could grab a bite."

DESMOND: "That's my man."

HARRY: (to Louis) "But... Ugh! You were supposed to be on my side."

LOUIS: (laughing) "I'm sorry?"

HARRY: (to Desmond) "We'll be there in a second."

DESMOND: "Good."

Desmond stands there, just staring at Louis and Harry without saying anything.

HARRY: "Dad?"


HARRY: "You can leave now."

DESMOND: "Oh, right. Sorry." (turns around to leave) "We'll be downstairs. Don't take too long or... take as long as you want. It will probably make you hungry if you... well, make the right use of time." (winks an eye to Louis) "Am I right?"

Desmond lifts his hand to high five with Louis.

HARRY: "Don't even think about it."

DESMOND: "Such a party pooper." (leaves and yells from the stairs) "I'll put some very loud music on, son. You can be as loud as you want. We won't be hearing anything anyways."

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