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Title: "The One With Bruce, Caitlyn, Elijah And The K Fam."

Scene 85 (continues): Interior / Harry's Bedroom / Night

Louis and Harry are both sitting on Harry's bed. Louis seems very happy. Harry seems worried.

HARRY: "Are you sure you are having a good time?"

LOUIS: "I already told you like... three times. I'm having a great time."

HARRY: "I'm usually more fun, you know? But let's just say that my bedroom is not my scene."

LOUIS: "Not your scene?"

HARRY: "I'm way more fun out of here. Like at a club, at the mall or... Anywhere else."

LOUIS: "You don't feel comfortable here?"

HARRY: "No, I do. Of course I do but... I don't know." (sighs) "God, I'm nervous."

LOUIS: (laughs) "Why would you be nervous?"

HARRY: (shrugs) "Because you are here maybe. I feel a lot of pressure right now."

LOUIS: "Come on. I'm the one who should feel nervous, not you."

HARRY: "I'm usually the one who doesn't feel nervous at all but..." (lowers his voice) "It might be the fact that I never dated anyone smart before."

LOUIS: (laughs) "What are you even saying?"

HARRY: "I feel intimidated."

LOUIS: "Hey, you don't have to. At all."

HARRY: "It's just weird. I don't know what to talk about. I don't want you to see how stupid I am."

LOUIS: "You are not stupid, Harry."

HARRY: "Yeah... well, I'm not the brightest either."

LOUIS: "It's hard for me too, if it makes you feel better. I never know what to talk about. That's why I don't interact with people much."

HARRY: (laughs) "You kidding, right?"

LOUIS: "Am not. I'm an antisocial nerd. Haven't you noticed yet?"

HARRY: (laughs) "It's funny because you are so far from what an antisocial nerd should look like."

LOUIS: (sassy) "Oh, is there a rule?"

HARRY: "I'm not trying to offend your race or anything."

LOUIS: (breaks into laughter) "My race?"

HARRY: "I'm kidding."

LOUIS: "So... How are nerds not supposed to look like?"

HARRY: "Well, for starters, nerds don't usually wear YSL."

LOUIS: "How did everyone notice that? Like seriously. I wouldn't be able to tell the brand of someone's pants by just looking at them."

HARRY: "If you stare at someone else's pants as much as I stared at yours that night, you probably would have." (smirks, feels ashamed right away) "Sorry, shouldn't have said that."

LOUIS: "They weren't even mine." (sighs) "I borrowed them from a friend. I was freaking out because you invited me out and I didn't know what to wear."

HARRY: "Aw, that's... sweet."

LOUIS: "It's lame actually."

HARRY: "No, it's sweet."

It Started with a Selfie [larry stylinson a.u.]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant