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Title: “The One With Some Truth.”

Scene 24: Exterior / Spencer’s Backyard / Night

Harry and Louis are siting by the pool.

HARRY: “I’m so proud right now. I feel like I taught you something, you know? Who would have thought that I’d be the one to teach something this important to a guy who goes to Harvard.”

LOUIS: “Yale.”

HARRY: “Oh right, yeah, that one.”

LOUIS: (laughing) “That one, yes. And stop bringing yourself down all the time, I bet there are lots of things I can learn from you.”

HARRY: “Um, interesting. I can think of a couple of stuff I could teach you too.”

LOUIS: (laughing, nervous) “So Oprah, huh? She is pretty cool, she’s done a lot of stuff.”

HARRY: (offended) “Pretty cool? She is not only the richest but also the most powerful lady in… probably the whole world.”

LOUIS: (amused) “I doubt that.”

HARRY: “What? Are you kidding? Who’s bigger than her?”

LOUIS: “A few names come to my mind actually.”

HARRY: “Oh, I know it! You’ll say Meryl, right? But don’t let all the Oscars nominations fool you.”

LOUIS: (laughing really loud) “Meryl? No, I was actually thinking… I don’t know… Angela Merkel, Dilma Roussef or… Even Michelle.”

HARRY: (confused) “What the hell? Michelle? Williams or Pfeiffer?”

LOUIS: (very amused) “You are unbelievable.”

HARRY: “Thanks, you are unbelievable too.” (frowning) “I took it as a compliment and I’m not sure if it was one or not.”

LOUIS: “It was a compliment.”

HARRY: “Good. Which Michelle were you talking about?”

LOUIS: “Obama!”

HARRY: “Aw… You think she is powerful? I absolutely love her.”

LOUIS: “She is married to the leader of the free world, how could she not be powerful?”

HARRY: “The leader of what? I thought he was just our President.”

LOUIS: “Being the President of the United States of America means way more than just being a President, Harry.”

HARRY: “You just sounded so… I don’t know, political and smart when you said that.”

LOUIS: “Thanks.”

HARRY: “Who the hell is Angela Merkel? Haven’t watched any of her movies.”

LOUIS: “She is definitely not an actress, she is the Chancellor of Germany.”

HARRY: “The what?”

LOUIS: “It would be the highest position inside the German Government, even higher than the presidency itself. So I’m pretty sure she might be the most powerful woman in the world.”

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