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Title: "The One With RuPaul."

Scene 78: Exterior / Saint Lawrence Main Square / Night

Harry and Louis are sitting on a bench.

HARRY: "It's getting late."

LOUIS: "Is it?"

HARRY: "Kinda sorta, yeah."

LOUIS: (laughs) "Kinda sorta?"

HARRY: "Stop making fun of me." (gets closer to Louis) "And now it's even later."

LOUIS: "Thought you said you didn't have to go to work tomorrow."

HARRY: (shrugs) "I don't have to go."

LOUIS: "Then we could stay here a little longer. I mean, just if you want to."

HARRY: "Um..."

LOUIS: "If you are not having fun, we can just go."

HARRY: "We could stay here or...." (trying to hide his smirk) "We could go to my place maybe."

LOUIS: "To your place?"

HARRY: "Yeah, why not? We'd have more privacy there."

LOUIS: (nervous, stuttering) "We could watch a movie or something."

HARRY: "It has to be a very bad one though."

LOUIS: "A bad movie?"

HARRY: "Yup. I'm not planning on paying any attention to it."

LOUIS: "Why? Are you sleepy?"

HARRY: (laughing) "You are unbelievable. Let's just say that I'll be focusing on something else."

LOUIS: "You have homework to do?"

HARRY: "You kidding, right?"

LOUIS: "What about?"

HARRY: "Kevin."

LOUIS: "Harry?"

HARRY: "I'll be focusing on kissing you while the movie plays in the background, loud enough for my family not to hear our moans while we roughly make out under my blankets."

LOUIS: (stuttering) "What?"

HARRY: "Oops, sorry. Did I say that out loud?" (they both laugh) "Does it sound like a good plan though?"

LOUIS: "Kinda sorta." (they both laugh again) "I actually like the plan."

HARRY: (stands up, grabs Louis' hand and tries to pull him up) "Good, let's go then."

LOUIS: "Wait."

HARRY: "We don't have to go if you don't want to."

LOUIS: "I'm dying to go."

HARRY: (smiling) "I'm dying to go too."

LOUIS: "But there's a tiny little small thing."

HARRY: "Oh no. Is it that small?" (playful) "Damn!"

LOUIS: (laughing) "Shut up." (gets serious) "I'm talking about something else."

HARRY: "Phew!" (teasing) "Big one then, huh?"

LOUIS: "Pretty big." (breaks into laughing)

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