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Title: "The One Where Kevin Feels As Free As A Bird."

Scene 70(continues): Exterior / Saint Lawrence Downtown / Day

Louis seems to be lost inside his thoughts when Taylor walks back to him.

TAYLOR: "Ugh, finally!" (Louis doesn't react to her sentence so she snaps her fingers at him) "Hey! Are you there?"

LOUIS: "Sorry, I was just-"

TAYLOR: "Whatever, I'm so glad he left. I was running out of words over there. What were you two talking about anyways?"

LOUIS: "Not much."

TAYLOR: "Do you know each other?"

LOUIS: "Kind of, yeah. We've met before. Ages ago."

TAYLOR: "God, I'm still having stomach crumps because of this. So disgusting."

LOUIS: (frowning) "What's so disgusting?"

TAYLOR: "Didn't you see him?"

LOUIS: "I did."

TAYLOR: "Then what are you asking? It is absolutely disgusting. I'm still in shock."

LOUIS: "What about?"

TAYLOR: "His weight! Duh."

LOUIS: "What's wrong with his weight?"

TAYLOR: "Are you kidding me? Ugh, I think I'm gonna throw up." (fans herself with her phone) "Never mind, I'm fine."

LOUIS: "What do you care if he's fat or not?"

TAYLOR: "Are you being serious right now?"

LOUIS: "I'm not joking. Does it look like I'm joking?"

TAYLOR: "You look nervous."

LOUIS: "I'm not. I just want to understand what your reaction means."

TAYLOR: (snaps) "I made out with him, Kevin! And not just one time, I did it a few times actually." (lowers her voice) "He was my first crush!" (breaths in and out a few times) "Sorry, I'm just under a lot of stress right now."

LOUIS: (annoyed) "I'm completely lost."

TAYLOR: "Don't you see it? This ruins my average. God, I hope no one in town sees him. I'll be a joke."

LOUIS: (shaking his head) "I think I need to leave now."

TAYLOR: "No, wait. Don't leave me like this. I'm about to hyperventilate."

LOUIS: "You are just being a drama queen."

TAYLOR: "What?" (offended) "What's wrong with you?"

LOUIS: "What's wrong with me? Nothing's wrong with me, Taylor."

TAYLOR: "Wait... Are we okay? What's happening?"

LOUIS: "Nothing's happening. I just need to go."

TAYLOR: "Is he your friend or something?"

LOUIS: "He is not my friend."

TAYLOR: "Then why are you acting like this?"

LOUIS: "No particular reason."

TAYLOR: (defensive) "Well, excuse me for being in shock. What would you do if your first crush shows up and suddenly looks like an elephant?" (shakes her head) "This is the worst nightmare ever!"

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