Chapter 2

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The neighbourhood-pretty boy 


Louis adjusted his fringe and looked at himself in the mirror with a groan. It's been a long time since he was at the club without worries from the world around him. These past months the only things that entertained him were his job, Netflix series, and once in a while, it was trying to find new places where he could be alone thinking about everything and nothing.

Now he was standing in front of the mirror in black jeans with a white shirt and a big jean jacket. This outfit was perfect for the cool and foggy weather in early October. He doesn't like to dress casually. He was the type of guy who wears jeans and a shirt to work. His mind couldn't take the view when his co-owner wore a suit.

He could tell he looks good even if his legs were thicker and his bum was slightly bigger than other guys. He has no time for going to the gym. The sound of the doorbell tore him up from constantly thinking.

Louis went across his apartment to open the door for his friends who were eagerly ringing.

" Mate, how are you?" Irish lad jumped up when he opened the door. This was too much energy for him. But the gaze at his friend made his heart bubble with excitement.

" Good, good I can say I'm excited. I would be lying if I tell you I didn't miss our rendezvous. "

A head appeared from behind the Niall, the dark brown hair and beautiful brown eyes which Louis could notice from miles. His friend Zayn came up to him and hugged him like he was a treasure with the most prices things. He returns the hug with the same enthusiasm.

" I missed you, Lou," Zayn mumbled to his neck. The hot air made his body react with goosebumps. No one hugged him like that for a long time, it felt good almost comfortable. Physical touch wasn't his favorite thing. The most he loathed hugs. He couldn't bring himself to hug whomever. He was happy when his body allowed him to hug his friend.

" Okayyy enough come on lads we should go. " Niall was looking at his friends with sparkles in his eyes.


The club was crowded, the colorful lights were dazzling and the air was dim because of smoking people. He walks through the club, carrying himself behind his friend hoping it will get better. He doesn't like places where are hundred people pressing themselves against him. He likes his personal space.

Niall felt something isn't right. His best friend laid hand on his shoulder trying to get his attention. Ripped out from thinking, he smiled at Niall bringing himself to earth.

" Okay guys, I'm going to get some drinks. What do you want?" He tried to get over the weird look Niall gave him.

Zayn turned around with a grateful expression on his beautiful face. " I would like vodka and Red Bull, what about you Ni?"

" The same for me, thank you, Lou." He smiled at Louis, shouting not to break too many hearts. Sometimes he wonders why Niall is thinking so high about him like he could accomplish whatever he wants to. He is trying to be a little more pretentious because he knows it makes his friends happy. He likes to make other people happy, and grateful that they can be in his presence.

Louis arrived at the bar repeating the order in their head hoping he won't forget anything. A smiling bartender came to him, wiping his hand on his shirt from water. His hair was caramel brown with a slightly blonde tone. Blue eyes were looking at Louis with hunger like he was the only meat in the forsaken desert and he was a howling hyena. His muscular hands were flexing, showing his form and hoping he would notice that the only thing he can do is lift heavyweights. He looked so much like him. He couldn't look at him without disgust.

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