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Now really the last chapter is here and I don't know what to say. I want you to enjoy this chapter and don't forget what feelings you have felt during reading this because that's the most important thing for me :)

Song for this chapter is whatever you want, just any song that suits you with this chapter.

Love you all so much. <3


For Harry's 25th birthday Louis decided to buy a trip to Paris for him and Harry. It was a last-minute decision and partly very spontaneous. For Harry's birthday the year before, they had a nice and relaxing day in a bath with delicious dinner, this year Louis wanted to give Harry something more, something he will not forget, so he thought of Paris, the most romantic place.

Harry still doesn't know where they are going, Louis just told him the day before to pack his things for at least two days and that they are going on a trip where he will like it. Of course, Louis is not stupid and knows that Harry will read their destination at the airport, but he wants to hide it from him as long as possible.

"We are going to Paris, Lou?!" After an almost sleepless night due to nervousness, the couple is finally at the airport getting ready for the plane when Harry finally notices where they are flying to. Louis thought that his boyfriend would notice it sooner and to his surprise, it would be partially spoiled so he is glad that it's exactly like this.

Louis is standing next to Harry with a small backpack on his shoulder, wearing his favorite green Adidas sweatshirt and simple black jeans while Harry is wearing skinny jeans that show his thighs to the light of day, a white shirt with the top button unbuttoned, and a black coat. Sometimes Louis shows up as a homeless person next to Harry, but then he tells himself that opposites attract and stops bothering himself with it.

"Yes love, I knew you always wanted to visit Paris, but you didn't want to go yourself so I took advantage of your birthday," Louis said kissing Harry's cheek to hide his nervousness from Harry's incoming answer.

"I love you, I hope you know that. And I won't complain about the fact you paid for the whole trip just because I know you would be mad, so thank you love so much and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I."

Harry hugs Louis around the neck with the hand that doesn't have luggage in it and leans in so that their lips can meet in a lightly played kiss. They are smiling at each other enjoying the moment.

"I love you too, baby. We should go so the plane doesn't fly away without us." Louis took Harry's luggage and walked quickly to the front so Harry wouldn't have time to scold him.


Their flight went quite well, besides Harry's stress and Louis' efforts to calm his boyfriend, which only succeeded after half an hour, Harry's palm pressed into Louis'.At least assured Louis that his lover was next to him the whole flight, he could feel the strong pressure even during sleep.

Louis thought that Harry would have a hard time taking the landing but he managed it perfectly for which Louis kissed him and told him how proud he was of him which made Harry blush and hide his face in Louis' chest.

Before Harry can ask how they are going to get from the airport to the hotel a black limousine pulls up in front of them, the driver dressed in a black suit gets out and opens the back door "Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Styles" he bows his head slightly and walks to the back of the vehicle and opens the trunk where they can leave their bags.

Louis smiles politely at the driver and takes the bags in his hands, but Harry stops him with slightly raised corners but with uncertainty in his eyes "Babe, why did you worry so much? I wouldn't mind if we went by taxi or even walk to the hotel, being in Paris is much more to me than I can imagine." He takes his bag from Louis' hand to help him a little and kisses his forehead, letting his lips stay on Louis' forehead for a while.

Butterfly L.S.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora