Chapter 20

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Harry Styles-Little freak

Did you dress up for Halloween?
I spilt beer on your friend, I'm not sorry

(I love Harry's house <3)

Hi bestiessss new chapter is hereee!

I'm so sorry that I'm updating after a long time but I had some health problems but I'm back and I will try to update more often :))

I hope you will enjoy this chapter it's little bit longer.


A gentle breeze coming from behind the window creates on Louis' skin goosebumps, his body is shivering and he tries to hide under the duvet. In the evening, he thought it would be a good idea to put on only a Harry sweater and shorts to sleep on, but now he regrets it. He'd rather stay in bed all day, soaking up Harry's scent, but he has to close the window to keep from freezing, and the thought of Harry coming today pulls him out of bed.

When his bare, frozen feet touch the floor he immediately regrets that he has moved. After a moment of breathing, he decided to close the window, finally with his socks on his feet, and headed to the bathroom, still shivering slightly from the winter.

Along the way, he takes his mobile, checks to see if anyone has written to him, and looks at the time. The mobile phone screen shows 9:30, and he doesn't understand that he slept so long without a single nightmare or waking up.

If he wants to look human when Harry arrives, he should start getting ready. Louis examines his tousled hair, creased sweater, and cracked lips in front of the mirror. He's not sure he can make himself look like a human. While brushing his teeth, he thinks about how time may fly like this, he celebrated Christmas with his parents a few days ago and he will soon see one of the currently most important people in his life.

He would have preferred currently change to forever, and he would never have to worry about being alone, especially without Harry.

After his morning routine, he walks down the stairs so he can have breakfast and mentally prepare for the day, but he stops halfway, his legs almost breaking when he heard his favorite voice. If he was sane and wouldn't listen to his heart, he'd turn around and go get dressed, now instead he's going down the stairs, not thinking about what he's wearing.

After running down the stairs, he sees exactly what he needed, Harry sitting in the living room with his parents, his elbows resting on his knees laughing at something Jay said, thoughts about how Harry is trying to impress his parents are running through his head. Louis just stands under the stairs, looking at Harry while no one notices his presence.

He feels like an observer, like someone who was made to just stand in the middle of the desert, in the middle of the gallery, and in the middle of the ocean and just look and look at the most precious portrait. At the most precious piece of work, who doesn't even know about his unruly glamor.

He scans Harry's cream suit, which looks brilliant on his skin, buttoned only in half, revealing a pale blue shirt, and exposing the butterfly on his stomach to the world around him. His hair is smoothed back and his fingers are covered with the rings. Louis lacks black nail polish on his nails but he can understand why he doesn't have them painted.

If Louis hadn't leaned against the wall, his knees would have broken and his heart would have burst from that beauty. He always knew that Harry was one of the most attractive people around him, but he never knew that he would want to stay in the same moment, in the same position without moving a single finger, inhaling the surrounding air to have the energy to suck Harry's beauty.

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