Chapter 7

75 9 17

Adele-Strangers By Nature

Hii new chapter is here. 


Louis's head is pounding but not from hungover, he is just tired from world around him. Tomorrow is the Halloween party. He is excited but at the same time he doesn't know what to expect. His friends will be probably a little mad at him for ignoring them and spending time only with Harry. But he is looking forward to getting drunk and just having a good time.

He still didn't think about his costume but that's not that important.

And besides that Harry didn't come yesterday to his office, he had a little argument with Dave about the fact that Louis went home without telling him. His excuse was that he felt sick, it wasn't even a lie. He felt sick from the crowd around him.

It's really unusual, but on his table are piles of papers which he needs to log onto his computer with things like taxes or orders. This is probably revenge from Dave for going home. It will take him his last two hours from his shift, his plan after work is go to shopping for food. He hasn't eaten much at home for the last few days, but his stocks are fading.

Soft music is playing through his office, uplifting tense atmosphere. For some reason his mind wandered to Harry. Maybe it's because of the slow music which he associates with Harry or just because of the lack of his presence. It was just day, what is he even doing? But after the incident at the birthday dinner, he feels like Harry is his guardian, and that's so dumb that he feels awkward. He hasn't felt this when he first started talking to Niall. His mind can't process the difference between Niall and Harry.

He should go back to work so he can go home and think about other things which annoy his mind.


"Bye Gia, have a nice weekend love." Louis shouts toward opened doors to the kitchen, waving at his friend. She is at work for longer than Louis. He knows himself and he knows he couldn't do that. He is dead after the six hours of work.

Gia waves at him back with smile on her face. "Bye Louis, you too. And please say hi to Harry from me."

"Hmmm okay. I told him he was stealing my friends." With laugh Louis leaves the restaurant, encountering cold weather and strong wind. Even though autumn is his favorite time of year,he tolerates this weather only when he is wrapped at home in a blanket and with a book and tea on his lap.


The street is crowded with people going home from work, kids going from school, or just people doing daily tasks. Even he doesn't like crowds he likes to see people living their lives. It's fascinating that each of them has story no one knows about. When he needs to wait somewhere, his fun is to assign random life stories to the people he sees. For example, the girl walking in front of him looks like she is at art school, her friends are trying to get her out every day but she is happier at home with her cat. Her favorite subject is English and her teachers love her. She works at Starbucks during weekends and smiles at every customer.

The boy walking toward him is for example-

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