Chapter 19

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Harry Styles-As it was

In this world, it's just us
You know it's not the same as it was
In this world, it's just us 

New chapter is hereee after long time, I'm so sorry :(


Louis's journey took longer than he thought, traffic jam almost everywhere caused by the coming holidays, and he had to do something to keep his nerves in check.

The weather changed several times during his drive, and for a while, it rained, and now only the water on his windows is slowly freezing and a cold breeze blew through a slightly open window into his heated car.

He has been sitting in the car in front of his parent's home for a while, wondering if he really wants to get out of the heat in a sweatshirt or if he will wait until it warms up and then maybe get out of the car. Their house shines with Christmas decorations, a wreath attached to the door, and he can already sniff the smell of Christmas candy, but even now he thinks only of Harry. Rather than what he will say when he sees their house or when he smells their typical scent.

Every minute of every hour Harry is the only thing on his mind. While doing everyday activities like brushing his teeth, he remembers kissing Harry, or while shopping and he stumbles upon fruits and vegetables, strawberries looking at him more than ever before, and he only thinks of Harry drinking champagne from a glass full of strawberries, then giving a kiss and tasting strawberry spice flavor on his lips.

Louis runs his hands over his face to his hair, trying to wake up from the daydreaming and force himself to get out and knock on his parents' door. Not only did he miss Harry now, but he also missed his parents and didn't see them for a long time.

Finally, after a while, he opens the door, takes a bag from the passenger seat where he has his needs and gifts for the family, and leaves the heat of the car, locking the car behind him and checking to see if he has closed the window.

His footsteps lead along the narrow sidewalk that leads him to the brown door, the almost melted snow making strange chattering sounds under his feet, and he finally knocks on the familiar door with his trembling hand.

He waited only a moment before the door opened and his mother appeared in front of him, smiling and almost jumping into his arms. "Oh my god, hi love. You are finally here. Come in," his mom said after a strong hug in which she almost crushed him.

The first thing Louis strikes in the face is the smell of clean clothes, sweets being baked in the kitchen, and wood ready at the door to the fireplace. He always associated his home with the scents of clean clothes and flowers from the garden that his mother loves to take care of. He now combines his home with the scents of books in his living room, the vanilla, and the delicate scent of wood radiating from Harry's perfume.

At first glance, he feels like his old home hasn't changed at all. The living room still has that comfortable atmosphere caused by a stone fireplace and fluffy carpet that covers almost the entire room. The living room is connected to the kitchen, he was inspired for his apartment by his old home to make him feel more comfortable there.

"You can go bring things to the guest room and then visit your dad in his office if you want," his mom yells at him from the kitchen while Louis tries to recall the memories of when he was here, undressing his coat and taking off his shoes.

Louis goes to the kitchen to look at it there. New spices were added to the shelves and new plates in the cabinet, otherwise, nothing else has changed, which makes him a little happy. "Yes, sure." He answers his mother and with his bag, he goes up the beige stairs, which bring him memories of his teenage drinking, and later trying to get home and up the stairs to his room without unnecessary sounds that would wake his parents, it is clear that he never succeeded.

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