Chapter 8

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K.Flay-High enough

Hii guys next chapter is hereee

I worked hard on this chapter so I hope you will enjoy this. :)) 

please vote and comment besties <3


White shirt with short sleeves, white jeans, and big, feathery white wings are laying on Louis's bed. He is not sure if he will look good in the angel costume but it was kind of last-minute thing. And he isn't sure what he will do if this costume will look horrible on him. Louis and his friends didn't talk about their costumes, it's kind of surprise for them. Now he is thinking it would be better to have someone who would help him with the whole angel thing.

He just needs to take a deep breath and get ready before he will be late.


Louis locked his door, walking down the stairs. He should check the post box but that can wait. White wings are in his hand in bag, his coat is on and he thinks he will freeze one way or another. He can feel the wind blows through the front door. He is curious about what costumes his friends will have. Zayn and Liam will have a couple costumes, not taking their eyes off each other. And Niall will be Niall, he can't wait for his crazy costume like every year.

After opening the black front door, he can see his friends standing next to the taxi laughing like usual. They were thinking about taking taxi because everybody will drink. He thinks it's a good idea, safe driving is very important. Louis can't see Harry but he won't ask, he will pretend that he doesn't care.

"Hi Louis how are you mate?" He can see Niall running toward him with outstretched arms and big small on his face. Niall likes to show his love to his friends with hugs and kisses on cheek, that's the thing Louis likes about his friend. It's so warm and heartwarming. And that's the thing which Louis couldn't avoid. He feels like little kid in Niall's arms.

"Hi, Ni I'm good, happy to see you too."

Niall laughs into Louis's neck, finally letting his smaller friend breathe. "It's not funny I missed you, we missed you."

Liam and Zayn looked at Louis and Niall from the window walking into the taxi. Niall sits in the front seat and Louis has to squeeze in the back seat to his two friends. Louis can't see their costumes yet, but he can see the face of their driver. His corners point downwards and his eyebrows are slightly pulled close together probably mad at Louis and Niall having meeting hugs. Now he feels bad but he won't let the mood get in his way.

"Hi, guys I'm happy to see you again. I missed you." Louis smiles at Liam and Zayn. He really missed them but he was busy with other things. He needs to make time for his friends, he can see their faces so low and with sad emotions.

"Hi, Lou." Liam and Zayn said together, waving at him.

"By the way where are we actually going? Harry didn't mention the place."

Liam quickly answered. "My friend's place, it's his club but he did me a favor and opened it only for us and a few other friends."

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