Chapter 15

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Hii new chapter is here :) 

It's important chapter for me so I hope you will like it <3

Niall Horan-this town 

If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you
Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you 


"I haven't talked to him in 3 days, do you think he is okay and I haven't done anything wrong?" Louis is pacing around his living room with the phone pressed to his ear waiting for an answer from Liam on the other side. He is getting anxious; he couldn't hear that he really did something wrong.

"Lou, you haven't done anything wrong, nor has Harry talked to me these last days, he certainly has a reason."

After walking around the apartment for a while, Louis begins to get tired and lie down on the couch, stretched out like a starfish. His ear starting to feel warm from the phone and his hands are starting to sweat. "Okay, I'll believe you. I just really like him ... like really. I don't want to do anything wrong."

"I'm glad because I have never seen him like this. He is so caring and tender with you. That's big difference from his rough life...He found peace in painting but after you came to his life, he doesn't need to paint. At first, I was afraid of what happened when he stopped, but then I understood."

"Oh," is the only thing that came from Louis' mouth. It's interesting to hear how other people see his effect on Harry, he can't admit it himself, but he can admit that Harry has big effect on him.

"Yeah, it's just...I know this is a big request, but please take care of him and you both deserve it."

Louis heard knocking on his door, with heavy limbs and sore hands from calling he stood up from the couch. "Yeah Li, I will. I need to go bye and thank you."

"Byee," Liam shouted at him from the other side.

He opened the door not knowing who to expect. In front of him is standing Harry with big smile on his face. He has big grey hoodie on with black skinny jeans and his favorite brown boots. He looks perfect even in a simple outfit like this.

"Hi" Louis answers with shaky voice.

Harry steps closer to Louis hugging him tightly, preventing him from breathing, which Louis doesn't mind at all. He wraps his arms around Harry's neck bringing him even closer. "Hi love, would you like to go with me somewhere?"

"Can I know where?" Louis giggled into Harry's neck, looking at his face and analyzing every little feature. He is trying to find something that would indicate to him that Harry is disappointed or angry, the only thing he sees is a smile, dimples on his cheeks, and eyes that measure his entire face.

"To our place."

Oh. So Harry read his letter. "Yeah, of course...can you give me a minute? I need to change my clothes. You can wait in living room." With peck on Harry's cheek, he is leaving to find appropriate outfit.

Suddenly nervous feeling hits him like a brick wall, he is scared why Harry wants to go to their place. And the fact that he said their place Louis' heart make warmer with each minute spend with Harry. He picks up black skinny jeans and a brown hoodie, decisive about gray hoodie but he can't have matching outfit with Harry. He adjusts his hair in the mirror and leaves his bedroom.

When Louis came back to his living room he can see Harry sitting on couch, doing something on his phone. He slowly approaches the couch, trying not to draw any attention to himself. His hands wrap around Harry's shoulders, hugging him from behind and whispering in his ear. "I missed you."

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