🌸💫Mage Tower and The Magic Teacher 🌸💫

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Well I was not expecting this. Eloria thought as she sat across from the Emperor who calmly drank tea with her in his private garden.


Let's go back.


Eloria arrived to the palace with her father and as they reached the entrance a couple of servants waited for her.

"Lady Eloria, His Majesty the Emperor has requested that we guide you the rest of the way." The butler bowed while the female servant curtsied.

Eloria looked back towards her father who brought her this far.

"Don't worry." He said patting her head.

"If you'll allow me." The maid asked graciously as she stood besides Keirean.

"Make sure nothing happens to my daughter." He said and went off.

"Right this way Lady Eloria." The butler said and the proceded to take her somewhere that seemed familiar but not the way she expected.

"Are we not going to the throne room?" She asked as she looked back towards the turn they just skipped.

"Oh no My Lady, his Majesty merely wanted to converse with you in the garden." The butler said but Eloria grew suspicious but remained calm but vigilant enough that she would still be able to whack away at the bad guys with her magiv staff.

"We've arrived My Lady." The maid said snapping Eloria out of her train of thought and she looked up to see that they arrived at certain spot that looked absolutely lovely in Eloria's eyes.

She looked at the single tea table with beautiful decor and with equally delicious looking treats laid out.

"Eloria, my dear girl. I'm so glad you have arrived!" The Emperor exclaimed joyfully when she arrived and he walked towards them and scooped her out her chair taking her by surprise.

"Y-Your Majesty?!" She yelped.

"My dear, you seem light here have some food." He said placing her in a comfortable chair and handing her a plate of delicious looking treats.

"Um...Your Majesty?" She wondered as she looked at him hesitantly.

"Oh my apologies my dear, but it's just remarkable that a mage has appeared right in front of me." He chuckled. "It was certainly wasn't easy convincing nobles amd the public that it was something else entirely." He laughed making her blush.

"Your majesty, I am deeply sorry for the commotion I caused when I was here last." Eloria squeeked in shame.

"It was of no matter at all, it was worth it to see such a magnificent sight before my eyes." He said.


After that the Emperor asked her a lot of questions of her power, her health, just making some casual conversation which was more than the last time they met which seemed more authoritative.

"I've heard that you're on your way to walking, tell me how far is your progress?" He asked.

"Well, for now I've been having prescribe medicine to strengthen my body functions, just recently actually my doctor said it was safe for me to start a daily stretching routine and I should be able to start walking in a couple weeks." She said looking hopeful.

"I see. Eloria, how would you feel if I were to make you an Empress Candidate alongside you sister?" He asked taking Eloria by surprise.

"I beg your pardon?!" She gasped.

"You and your sister made valid points the last we met and perhaps I was too quick to dismiss you as a candidate in fact--"

"Your Majesty, forgive me for interupting but as my sister has made her intentions in her regards to the matter let me make mine, I want nothing to do with the Prince. I do not want to associate myself with someone who has made it ever so clear that he detests the very sight of my sister and I let alone the streets we walk on. I will not subject myself to such horrid behavior especially not into mine nor my sister's married life." She said sternly feeling herself bubble with rage as she glared at her tea.

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