💫🌸A Whole New World🌸💫

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That was the last thing Eloria remembered before she was reborn, she knew she was being poisoned for a while after Aristia's death, but she didn't care at the time because it was something she longed for in the end and be with her family. But never would she have thought that would be in an entirely new and strange world.

Unfortunately she did not have the best start out as when she awakened her memories she was living in an orphanage. But the good part was that she had a healthy body in this world, it was small but her bodt didn't hurt anymore. She had chubby rosy cheeks black hair and deep ocean blue eyes and here her name was Aine.

She was a quiet child at the orphanage as she always kept to herself. While others were playing outside she spent her time reading anything she could get her little hands on, she needed to know more about the world she just found herself in.

She found that she lived in a country called Japan in a city called Tokyo. Their technology was fascinating and their various cultures were spellbinding.

But as much as she liked this world, she'd often notice school girls coming and going in front of the orphanage every now and then when she would play outside. One tine she saw a uniform that made her remember about Jieun.

Could this be the world Jieun came from? She thought. But then she shook her head when she remembered her as it left a bitter feeling in her heart and she didn't want that.

Every now and then it would be adoption week where hopeful couples would come and stroll through the orphanage to find their ideal child. And for this day, the children would get dressed in fine clothes in order to attract the couples.

But on days like these Aine would spend her time in the libary or swings reading books as she let the screeching of happy playful children pass through her ears.

"I always see you reading books."

Someone said and she looked up to see a fairly older man with slightly greyed out.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" She asked a little hesitanat as he sat beside her om the swings.

"I'm sorry my name is Yamato Murasaki." He said.

"Hello Murasaki-san." She bowed her head.

"Do you like reading?" He asked.

"Yes. I like reading." She said.

"But if you like reading then I have to ask ia that why you don't like playing?" He asked.

"Mmm...it's not that I don't like playing, it's just that to me reading is my own adventure. There's just so much to be found on each page, like I have a little world in the palm of my hands." She said.

It was nostalgic, in her old life days she'd spend the days trapped in her room from and illness she'd always have a nice book in her hands to keep her company. It was one of the few companions she'd have her whole life.

"How would you like to see the whole world?" He asked taking her by surprise.


"I've been looking for someone to travel the world with me while I teach them what I know much better than a book." He said.

"I'm sorry...but I'm not sure I understand exactly what you're talking about." She said trying not to get her hopes up. He chuckled at her obvious anticipation for an answer.

"What I'm saying is that I want you to come with me and travel the world while I teach, let me give you what the world really has to offer." He said.

"I would love to!" She smiled as she leapt on over and hugged him, her hug took him offguard but he chuckled at pat her head in his warm hig hand.

💫A Life Meant For Me💫Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora