💫🌸Unpleasant Disaster🌸💫

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Despite wanting to scream, yell and curse. Eloria bit her tongue and acted according to ettiqutte when addressing the royal pain in the ass.

"Greetings to the future sun of the Empire." Eloria greeted as she lightly lifted her skirt and lowered her head. After greeting she sat up.

"You're in a wheelchair." He muttered.

"Pardon?" Eloria asked looking quite confused

"If my presence bothers you, your highness I shall take my leave." She said and was about to be rolled away.

"Please, excuse my blunder Miss Eloria. It is such an honour to meet an exceptionally excellent Young Lady such as yourself. To create and implement a unique policy, you must be so proud of yourself." He smiled.

"Yes, I am. It brings me great honour to know that I've become useful to my beloved home despite my unfortunate disposition." She smiled and when she saw his mouth twitch she smirked internally.

"As you should be proud of one's own achievements, it is important. If it's not an issue would you grant me a moment of your time so I may learn how I could do what you did." He smiled and she couldn't help but feel suspicious and she can't really refuse.

"Of course." She said.

"Perfect then, allow me to escort you to the garden. It'll be a perfect place to talk until your father arrives." He said.


They arrived at the garden and as Ruveliss sat on the bench Eloria was wheeled to sit beside him the knight that escorted her there left until he was once agains summoned but for now he was at a distance.

"What is it that his highness would like to know?" Eloria asked.

"For the sake of your reputation, I've decided to give you a chance." He said.

"A chance?" She asked, confused.

"Yes, you have been deceiving everyone with this wheelchair." He said and she gasped.

"I have not! Your highness need I remind you that I've spent most of my life in a wheelchair but if you're going to treat my condition as a joke then I find it extremely inappropriate!" She exclaimed.

"Do not take that tone with me! I am not a fool I saw you walking, you were even so bold as to knock into me and have the disrespect to say that I was at fault." He glared.

"What are you talking about? I don't have any recollection of what I did or said the last time I was here and as far as I'm concerned this is the first time meeting and I can say that without a shadow of a doubt that you are being extremely rude and I'd be careful with whom you are throwing your accusations!" She exclaimed, feeling her anger slowly start to rise.

"Remember your place!" Ruveliss yelled with a glare that sent her back to her past. His oppression, his tyranny, his emotional abuse. Every point of suffering that he caused came flooding back. And no matter how much that tiny voice in her head tried to reason.

"I am leaving." She said as she felt her eyes welled with tears of what emotion she's not sure she just wants to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" He said, grabbing her chair.


"You're not going anywhere until I say!" He exclaimed looming over her.

As he said that Eloria could've sworn she saw his frightening older self hovering above her. She paled as she was brought back to herself of the past weak, frightened and helpless.

"...No!" She yelled, pushing him away as she started to hyperventilate.


No,no,no,no! I don't want to suffer like that again! She thought as the sky started to darken with clouds thundering above everything.

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