💫🌸Running out of Time🌸💫

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The trip back home was silent as the twins were lost in their own thoughts. However, Eloria was surprised when her sister started started to make odd requests to have her food altered into a more healthy diet.

"Aristia, what happened for you to suddenly request a change in your food?" She asked.

"It's nothing, I just realised that I am going to need more strength if I am to properly wield a sword." Aristia explained.

"Alright, but to sudden change your diet is a bit much Don't you think? Besides, I believe that the food your curently eating is sufficient enough." Eloria said as she tried to deter her sister from such a drastic move.

"I appreciate your concern, but it's something I have to do."


And with that Aristia walked away leaving her sister extremely concerned. It wasn't just her either the servants as well were worried about her sudden desire to increase her training.

"I wonder if she'll be alright?" Alan, the Head butler spoke as they watched Aristia march up the stairs.

The following day both girls were training in their fields respectively, giving their all as they worked to become stronger.

However, one could say that Aristia trained harder but not smarter and Eloria tried her best to convince her to stop using the sandbags as they will do more harm than good on her frail body, but for some reason Aristia wouldn't listen.

Not one person went a day without worrying for Aristia she would run for an dangerously long time, she would swing her sword until her arms went numb and she would pass out without eating a proper meal. Even now as she ate her food her hand was trembling, her eyes had bags and she was even paler and Eloria just had to stop her madness, so she excused the servants that she may be able to speak properly to her sister.

"Enough of this Aristia." Eloria sighed as she walked up to her sister. "For God's sake this is not helping you get any stronger if anything it's making you even weaker. Please just stop this we'll look for another way." She implored.


"What?" Eloria questioned as she couldn't hear her sister.

"I said...what am I supposed to do?!" Aristia burst out which took Eloria by surprise.


"Unlike some people I'm not blessed with magic, learning the sword is all that I have to fight! Someone like you couldn't possibly understand!" Aristia exclaimed.

"Someone, like me..." Eloria was in disbelief. Deep down she knows that her sister is frightened, she knows that she stressed and in a panic for there is not a lot of time left until they reach debutante age, she knows this very well. However...

"You think having magic is great... for goodness sake Aristia I was stuck in a wheelchair practically crippled, the mana widdled away at my body I was gonna die!" Eloria argued.

"But you're doing so well now." Aristia scoffed.

"That's not fair, you know how hard and how painful it was for me to get here." Eloria's voice wavered as she remembered how mortifying it was to have every magical vein in her body be forcefully expanded. "Say whatever you want about me, but I refuse for you to widdle your own body, just look at yourself!"

She snapped her fingers and brought a mirror up to Aristia's face.

"Is this what you call fighting destiny, if anything it looks like sentencing yourself to never be able to fight at all, your body was not built for this sort of violent training." She insisted and Aristia just pushed the mirror aside.

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