33- Sam

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You know I love you guys too much😤


"Just both of you," Noah spoke firmly, "stay the fuck out of my life." And he nudged my shoulder and stormed out.

I ran after him, "Noah, stop, please." I begged while choking out sobs. I yanked his arm back to turn him around.

Noah looked me up and down with a nasty glare, he tugged at the shirt I was wearing, his body towering over me, "And you had the fucking audacity to wear my shirt," he let go of the fabric and turned around.

I stopped him again. "It didn't mean anything," I insisted.

"It meant something to me. Doesn't matter that we weren't together, Sam. A fucking week of us being broke up and you sleep with my friend? I would never do that to you," Noah shook his head, his jaw set tight.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry," I didn't know what else I could say besides pleading for his forgiveness.

"That's not good enough."

"Please don't go. Let's talk more or argue, I don't care. I love you," I said desperately as I placed my hand on his cheek. He snatched my wrist and looked at me like he's never looked at me before. Pure, utter disappointment.

He let go of my wrist, "Stay out of my life, Sam. You always fuck it up." And he got in his car without another word. A strangled sob fell from my mouth, my hand capturing it as I watched him leave.

Inside, Carter was thankfully fully clothed and sporting a bruised jaw. Though I should've told him to leave, I cried harder and he wrapped his arms around. "I'm sorry," he said in a hushed tone.

"He's never going to talk to me again," but I couldn't allow that. I need to explain myself more, fight harder for him. I didn't know how to live without Noah Wright in my life. How does one live knowing the love of their life wants nothing to do with them?

Carter sighed and pulled away from me, "I gotta talk to Elliot."

"No, don't tell him," I said selfishly. I couldn't lose everyone even if that was the consequences of my own impulsive actions.

"El and I have a rule; if one of us has sex we have to tell the other. It wouldn't be fair to him if I didn't tell him... but I guess I don't have to say who."

Part of me felt relieved at that, but I knew deep down that wasn't right of me, "You can tell him." We made our bed and now we had to sleep in it, even if that meant Elliot hating me. I wanted to cry.

"I'll tell you how it goes," he offered before slipping on his shoes that were stored near the front door and he walked out.

The rest of the day I was numb. Things were left unsaid between Noah and I and I needed to talk to him. I knew I had to wait, however. Wait for Noah to cool down, so it didn't immediately turn into an argument.

But that didn't matter because when I called him that night he didn't answer. Then I texted him. Then I texted him again and again, pleading with him to talk to me. I called him two more times before he answered. "Sam, I swear to God, stop calling me," Noah's voice was fierce over the phone but also sounded exhausted.

"Please talk to me," I was laying in bed, looking up at my ceiling as I spoke into my phone, clutching it like the harder I hold my phone, the more Noah would listen to me. "I know I hurt you and royally screwed everything up, but please-"

"All this time you were giving me shit about Jude and worried I would cheat, was that just you projecting your guilt?" Noah asked as if he figured it all out, but I quickly shut that notion down.

I sat up, "No! No, that's not-"

But Noah ignored me as he continued, "You're guilt for wanting to be with Carter instead of me?"

"No," I begged for him to hear me, "Noah listen. Please. Carter and I, we're friends, that's it. It was a mistake. I love you. I want to be with you," I stressed. I wished I was there with him so he could see how sorry I was.

"A little too late for that, don't you think?" Noah's words were so far away, I was losing him.

I looked up and had to blink rapidly for a moment to keep my tears at bay. "It was a mistake, I'm so sorry. I love you, Noah. I love you so much. Tell me what to do to fix us."

"I don't think there is anything you could do."

Then a thought hit me, "He texted me," I told him and I couldn't believe I hadn't brought this up before.


"Jude," I put our call on speakerphone and went to our message as I explained, "He texted me off of your phone. It was a picture of you and asking how you were in bed, but it didn't matter because he was gonna find out soon anyway." Taking a screenshot of the texts, I sent it to Noah.

"Off of my phone?" He questioned, sounding more confused than mad.

"Look at what I sent you."

Noah was silent for a moment and I pictured him reading the text and looking at the picture before he spoke up, "I didn't know," he said in a whisper then with more volume, "He must've deleted them so I didn't see. He accidentally- well probably purposely looking back- spilled lemonade all over me so I got up to change. I'm sorry he sent that to you, but why didn't you call me after this?"

"Are you serious? I thought that you guys were- were-" I couldn't say it. The thought of Jude and Noah having sex left a horrid feeling in my stomach, to say it out loud would have me throwing up.

"You thought we were hooking up," Noah finished my sentence for me. "So that makes it okay to hook up with Carter?"

"No, of course not," I denied hastily.

"Ya' know, I would've seen past it if you had sex with any random person. Especially knowing what Jude did, but sleeping with my friend, someone I've known all my life? I don't think I can get past that."

"I'm sorry, Noah," my voice cracking and the shame sinking into me with added weight.

"Yeah, well... I'm sorry for calling you a slut, you know I don't think of you like that, but... what you and Carter did..." his voice sounded strained like he couldn't allow himself to say it. My heart hurt for what I did. "Just... don't call me again. I won't answer." And Noah hung up.

Noah and I didn't speak for the rest of that year.


I'm weak when it comes to you guys pleading for the next chapter😭
Last chapter out in a few days 😤<3

Thank you for reading!!

-Xoxo, Bert

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