29- Sam

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"Sweetheart," my mother knocks gently on my door before poking her head around. "I think you should go to school today," she suggested as she entered my room and sat down on the edge of my bed. I was under my covers, my eyes crusty from how much I've cried the past four days.

"I'm not going," I muttered, pulling the blanket further up which was difficult considering the body that was perched on top of it.

My mom rubbed my leg from above my comfy covering. "Baby, you can't put your life on hold because you're sad and fighting with Noah."

I glared at her, "I'm heartbroken and we didn't just fight, we broke up," I said bitterly and more sharply than my mother deserved.

"I know, but Noah will come around, he's just upset you lied" I wanted to scoff because my mom actually took Noah's side. But I didn't tell her everything and if she knew about Noah going to the bar and flirting with someone else, maybe she'd take my side.

I started tearing up again, "I know. I kept a monumental secret from him and scewed up, trust me, I'm aware."

"Then just apologize," I rolled my eyes, like I haven't apologized. My mother was useless sometimes. "Why haven't you reached out to him?"

I sighed, "If I'm gonna go to school, then you have to leave my room so I can change," I said matter-of-factly. I didn't want to discuss any of this with her.

My mother patted my leg and stood up, "Call him," she told me, then, "I'm driving you in twenty, so be ready."


I didn't call Noah and I wasn't going to. Even though I lied, Noah let another man dance on him. Noah should text or call me to make things right between us, not the other way around.

But Noah hadn't contacted me in four days and I was itching to go to his apartment and argue with him again until we're making up and then making out... maybe that wasn't the healthiest thought, but I didn't care. I stayed put though, I wasn't going to be the one to break and go to him. No, he will come to me.

He didn't. All week I heard nothing from him and I decided I'd go to the apartment Sunday and grab my things. Until then, I was glumly staring at my phone Friday evening while I was hanging out with Carter. Carter forced his way through my front door when I told him I wanted to be alone, but he wasn't having it.

"No," Carter said as he snatch my phone out of my hands. "Stop checking your phone. If Noah was a man, he'd come here and beg on his knees for you, not text you an apology. So if he does try to get you back through texting of a phone call, you can tell him to shove it."

Carter took a seat next to me after placing my phone face down on the side table. "Listen, I've known Noah for a long time; he does stupid things when he's mad, but when he settles down and puts his head back on straight, he makes up for it. Now, I'm not saying you should forgive him, and Noah needs to learn better ways to cope with his anger than getting drunk, that was shitty. But, believe it or not, Noah's been doing way better with controlling his mood swings."

I let myself absorb Carter's words. I have seen multiple times when Noah would hold back and take deep breaths to calm himself down instead of lashing out on me. Hell, we haven't argued like that since about ten months ago when we first broke up.

I listen intently as Carter continued, "You should've seen him with Kaitlyn, she pissed him off every day and he did nothing to hold back his angry words. You changed that, Sam. Noah's changed for the better since he's been with you, but he's not perfect. But I know he loves you a lot, so he'll come to you, begging on his knee and everything. Now, can you make some food? I'm starving."

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