22- Noah

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Warning: this chapter talks about sexual assault


I suppose Sam's whole 'bonding night' worked-ish. Was I a hundred percent sold on Haven? Definitely not, but I didn't think she was sold on me either. For now though, we both held a mutual understanding once we recognized the obvious common ground; Sam. Sam's happiness and well being was what Haven and I wanted and us two getting in the way with our petty arguments didn't help.

But just because we had the same goal, didn't mean we had to hang out or even talk to each other, so when Sam suggested we spend the day with his sister, I didn't have the best response, "Can we not?" I groaned, rolling over in his bed to shove my face in my pillow. With one arm under the pillow, my right arm swung over Sam's waist and tugged him to me. I laid on the side of my face so I could look at him while I said, "Please, I just want to be with you."

I was being selfish and I knew that, but I didn't care.

"Haven's going through a break up, I need to be here for her," Sam insisted.

I turned my face the other way so I wasn't looking at my boyfriend as I muttered, "Like she was there for you after we broke up?" Yeah, Sam told how Haven thought it was for the best that we broke up last winter because I was 'toxic' which was rich coming from her.

I felt Sam sit up and I just knew my comment was going to start something. "That was because Zach got to her."

I scoffed and rolled over. "Haven's excuse of 'Zach talked shit about you' being her reason for bad mouthing me to you is bullshit. Her actions are her own." Maybe I was still a little pissed at the picture of Ciera and I that Haven set to Sam.

Sam sighed, "I know, but you said you'd try to get along with her and she apologized."

My hands ran down my face and I had to tell myself not to continue this argument because this was Sam's sister we're talking about. "Fine."

Sam grinned at his win and leaned down to kiss me, I turned my head so he kissed my cheek. "Hey," he whined and looked at me with a pout.

With one quick motion, I grabbed his hips and pulled him down onto his back. On top for him, I leaned down and kissed him. He pressed his lips to mine for a moment before I got off of him.

Sam and I were downstairs, ready for the day, and eating cereal when Haven came into the kitchen. Her face was still puffy from the night of crying she had. Keys dangled in her hand and a Michael Kors bag at her hip. "Hey, I know you planned a day with all of us," she was talking to Sam. "But I talked to Emily last night and I'm going to spend the weekend at her place. I'm sorry."

"Oh. That's okay, I just figured you didn't want to be alone today. I'm glad you reached out to Emily though."

"Thanks Sammy," then she looked at me with a tight lipped smile before she said goodbye and walked out the front door.

I tried not to smile, but when Sam glared at me, my smile broke out, "Don't look too excited," Sam said.

"Why? I get you all to myself." Getting Sam all to myself made my day perfect. We mostly relaxed, soaking in each other's presence. I cooked us lunch and by the evening, Sam took me out, but didn't say where we were going.

First we opted for Portillo's drive through which went around the building. Once we had our food, I realized where we were headed, "Theater eleven?" I questioned as we pulled into the local movie theater's parking lot.

Sam gave me a goofy grin before parking and we headed in with our food. "Okay, you take the food and I'll meet you in theater eleven. Movie preference?"

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