14- Noah

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I had to wait in line for a good ten minutes before I was able to get into the bathroom. But of course as soon as I got in there (it was nasty in there, but I only had to piss, so it was whatever), someone fucking knocked on there door, jiggling the handle. I told them it was occupied and they must've left.

When I exited the bathroom, I turned the corner and almost ran into someone. "Were you the one banging on the bathroom door?" I questioned the girl who almost spilled their drink on me if I hadn't stopped.

"That was probably the ghost," Ciera deadpanned, then took a sip of her drink.

"Ha. Ha. That's really funny." My sardonic tone was just as stale as hers.

Ciera nodded her head to the right and gestured with her cup in the same direction. I followed her gaze and saw someone with a white sheet over them as a makeshift ghost costume. I looked back a Ciera and rolled my eyes. Then someone else going up the stairs caught my eye. Dina and that random guy from the garage, heading up the stairs while holding hands. "So, what's the deal with Dina and Jude?" I asked Ciera, turning back to her.

Ciera shrugged, drinking her beer before answering, "they're weird, I don't know. They both fuck around with different people. Apparently, Jude and Dina are looking for someone new, if you know what I mean."

"Hm." No, I actually didn't know what Ciera meant. I mean, I guessed she meant they were looking to date other people and end their relationship, but I was wrong. "I could never be in an open relationship. I'd get too jealous. Especially knowing someone else was with Sam."

"Who knew you were such simp. That's adorable," but Ciera was being sarcastic with her bored, brown eyes.

"Oh, I know deep down you're the biggest simp of all, don't kid yourself."

Ciera scoffed, "go be with your boyfriend, I'm pretty sure he's shaking in his fake dog tail right now from how scared he is without you."

I shook my head and moved past her, "always a pleasure chatting with you," I told her with a dry voice and I moved through the crowd. A remix to the song, Monster Mash was sounding through the speakers and the strobe lights were flashing more heavily than when I first entered the house.

Moving towards the garage, a drunk as fuck girl dressed in a slutty nurse costume, bumped into me, spilling their alcohol all over my bare chest. "Of fucking course," I said because getting some form of liquid spilled on me seems to be something I'm notorious for in the past year and a half.

Slutty Nurse didn't act that apologetic as her hands went all over me and she slurred, "We can go to bedroom an we can clean you up," she offered in her drunk state.

My nose scrunched up in disgust, "yeah, I think the fuck not," I told her harshly as I pushed past her towards the kitchen to hopefully find a dish towel or napkins to clean off the drink (it was the spiked punch. Just my fucking luck). I found a roll of paper towels which were almost out. Tearing off strips of it, I went to the faucet to get them a little wet before wiping the sticky drink off my chest and stomach.

That's when Ciera and Alice walked into the kitchen. "Someone took one look at you and your shitty costume and dumped their drink on you?" Ciera questioned with a smirk.

Alice chuckled and I just flipped Ciera off. Then to Alice I asked, "I thought you were playing foosball with Sam?"

"Nah, he left," she shrugged, taking a slice of cheese pizza from the numerous stacks of pizza boxes that someone who worked at Domino's brought in. At least I assumed considering the guy in a Domino's uniform was also in the kitchen laughing with his friends and eating pizza.

"Where'd he go?" I asked, already looking around to see if I could spot the five foot, nine boy with puppy ears. I didn't see him.

"No need to panic, Noah, your puppy will be fine," Ciera spoke with the roll of her eyes. "He probably went to the bathroom, he'll go back to the garage, I'm sure."

"You don't know Sam when he's drunk," I commented, but figured Ciera was right. Plus, I didn't need to go searching for him. If Sam did go back to the garage and realized I hadn't returned, I knew he'd freak out. So I threw away the paper towels and headed back to the garage.

Kyle was in there when I walked in. He was rolling up another joint. Jesus Christ, he was already stoned out of his mind, he had to be. He nodded at me as a greeting and I nodded back. I was about to take a seat when the garage door swung open and in stumbled my boyfriend.

"Noah!" Sam exclaimed as I stood up and Jude came up right behind him, a hand placed on Sam's shoulder.

"Look who I found looking like a lost puppy," Jude laughed, but I sighed in relief. I was worried Sam would get lost in the house and I'd find him passed out somewhere with sharpie drawings on his beautiful face. "I knew I had to get him back to you."

Sam dismissed himself from Jude's hold and almost fell, so I reached out and grabbed his hand to tug him to me. "Dumbass, where were you? I leave for five minutes and you're gone?" I asked, sitting us both down. Jude took a seat next to me and stole the joint from Kyle.

"I didn't know where you were." Sam had another drink in his hand, so I took it from him at set it on the table.

"Maybe switch to water," I suggested as I stood up to go to the fridge and thank God there were water bottles in there. I grabbed one and brought it back to Sam as I sat down. He took it silently without arguing.

We should probably leave soon, I thought, but then I got sucked into a conversation with Jude and even Ciera and Alice when they came back to the garage. Until Sam stood up- wobbling a bit- and took my hand. "We'll be right back," he told the group, pulling me off the futon with him.


An Elliot x Carter chapter will be free to everyone this weekend on my Patreon.

Thank you for reading.

-Xoxo, Bert

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