9- Sam

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At lunch that Monday after I visited Noah, there was a shift in mood at my lunch table and I knew exactly why.

The shift in mood was due to Elliot and Carter. They had fucked the night before. I knew because Carter had called me up at one in the morning to tell me about it. What I didn't know was if things had changed now. Was it a one time thing like Carter said it would be? Or would it become more? From how Carter and Elliot were acting, I wasn't sure of that answer.

Elliot was stealing knowing glances at Carter and was horribly failing at suppressing a grin. I shook my head and turned my gaze to Carter. Carter seemed like himself but he was extra hyper that day at lunch. He was always hyper after- Carter had said- 'some really good sex'.

I sighed and didn't care about Carla's rant on Trisha Paytas and Ethan Klein (because Carter and Elliot were only interested in themselves, and I knew Carla would be far more interested for what I was about to say), so I stated, "What's the deal now that you two hooked up?"

Carla gasped, dropping her previous sentence, and spook in Portuguese in a shocked tone as she looked between Carter and Elliot.

"Yep, they fucked," I confirmed to Carla, even though I had no clue on what she said in Portuguese, but her voice went up an octave so I assumed she was questioning them hooking up.

"Oh my God! When did this happen?!" Carla exclaimed, almost standing up in her excitement, but I pulled her back down.

Carter laughed in a devious way and answered, "last night."

At the same time as Elliot blushed and said, "there is no deal," to my previous question.

"Really? So things aren't going to be weird?" I inquired.

"Oh, Sam," Carter started, "Elliot and I are mature-" I scoffed and Carla snorted as he continued, "grown young adults who can casually hook up and not let it affect our friendship." I meet Carla's eyes before we both rolled them. "Right, Elliot?"

"Right," he confirmed with a grin.

I didn't know if I believed them. Well, I believed Carter considering he basically lacked emotions, but Elliot, I could not see being in a causal relationship. But who knew, maybe it was just a 'one and done' and they both really were cool with that.


It wasn't just a 'one and done' situation because Carter called me up around nine pm that night saying, "So Elliot just left," in a suggestive way and I knew he was smirking on the other side of the line.

"Carter, I'm telling you- and I don't know how- but he's going to catch feelings." I was laying in bed watching my cat, Dummy, play with a rope that dangled off his cat tower. "I thought you never hook up with the same person twice?" I questioned him, then sat up quickly as a realization struck me, "you like Elliot?" I gasped. "You actually, genuinely like Elliot, huh?"

"No, I don't. We only hung out this time... and he went down on me and that was it. Well... then I went down on him," Carter chuckled. "But then that was it. So we didn't fuck again. And I still have no intention of dating him."

"Hmmm okay," I spoke as if I didn't believe him because I didn't. I thought Carter was interested in Elliot. From what I've been told from Jason- a mutual friend of mine and Carter's- was that Cater had one serious relationship with a girl whom I forgot the name of. They dated from seventh grade to their freshman year and Carter was head over heels in love with her... until she cheated on him. He claimed he would never date again as he started his conquest of hook ups. But I thought Elliot mind change Carter's mind. Elliot would be good for him.

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