3- Sam

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My senior year wasn't horrible, but it wasn't the best. Wasn't the best because my school lacked Noah Wright, the only person I ever wanted to see. But it wasn't horrible because I made new friends pretty quickly.

Carla and Elliot.

Carla was beautiful in every way. She had thick, curly black hair and just the right amount of freckles that scattered her face. She was a curvy girl, and she owned her body with the highest amount of confidence I could never achieve. She also had a thick Brazilian accent. Carla and her family moved to America when she was six years old, I had learned a few days prior.

When Carter found out that she was from Brazil, he had asked, "why would you want to leave Brazil? Isn't there nude beaches?" We had all rolled our eyes to which he defended himself by saying, "What? I heard Brazil is a very sexual place and I just want to learn more about it."

Elliot was also equally confident being transgender in todays world. Some people at school gave him a hard time; calling him by his dead name, Ellie, when they knew his real name, or just being transphobic in general. Either me, Carla, and/or Elliot would tell them to fuck off, or Carter would shove the bullies against a locker. So, it all worked out. But, I think deep down, Elliot was a little insecure because he was still in the process of transitioning.

And of course, Carter and I were good friends.

But school still wasn't the same without Noah. With him pulling me into a room to kiss me, or getting excited about his test grades and running up to me to give me a hug. Hell, even his mood swings I missed. I couldn't wait to see him in two weeks.

We did call and text each other a lot which was nice, and when I was in the middle of eating my lunch, I received a message from Noah. It was the first text I had gotten from him all day. I tuned out my friend's conversation as I tapped on his message and when Face ID recognized me, it brought me to his text.

And when I tell you I gasped and dropped my phone, I mean my phone fell out of my hands and onto the floor. Noah sent me a nude! Oh my God, my whole face felt hot and my hand was covering my mouth from concealing my gasp.

Carter, Carla, and Elliot stopped talking and looked at me quizzically. Then the worst thing happened! Carter bent down, "wait, stop!" I exclaimed, but he picked up my phone.

His eyes widen, "woah ho ho ho," he chuckled. "Now I know why you waste your gas and drive an hour away every weekend," he teased.

"Give me my phone," I reached for it, but he yanked his arm back. Carla and Elliot were already standing behind Carter to get a look. Their eyes also widened.

I covered my burning face with my hands as Elliot grabbed the phone, saying, "Damn, I wish I had that dick."

"Guys, please give me my phone," I begged, that was so embarrassing! And also, invading! I didn't want anyone else seeing my boyfriend's dick.

They laughed until they all gasped when a 'ding' went off. "'Got horny laying in our bed while thinking of you'!" Carla recited the text. "Meu deus!" Carla exclaimed with a giggle. "Está ficando quente," she said in her thick Brazilian accent as she fanned herself.

Now Elliot and Carter were behind her as I was trying to grab my phone. "This isn't funny! This is private information!" I seethed in a harsh whisper.

They laughed then Carla gave me my phone back. I sighed in relief. "Go send one back, playboy," Elliot insisted.

"I'm at school!" My tone, incredulous.

"Send one back!" They all ordered me in unison.

I took a deep breath. God dammit, Noah! I stood up and swung my backpack over my shoulder, "just in case I'm not back before lunch ends, see you tomorrow," I spoke with my head held high.

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