(32) Till I Die

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Hey Guys!

This is (finally) the last Chapter!! Before you feel whatever emotion you are feeling by the end too strongly ;) please remember there is an epoligue xx And make sure you read that as well, I have actually written it already and will post it immediatly after I post this. I will also post an authors note after the epoligue because there will be a third book and I have already created a cover for it etc and I will hopefully answer any questions with that authors note :)

Thankyou all for sticking with to the end! I would also like to thank all of you who inspired characters in the story, both from competition winners and people in my life :) It has been a long road but we f**king finally bl**dy got there!! :D

Lots of Love,
Daisy xxxx


(Obsidian's P.O.V)

I knelt on the cold stone, looking down at my cuffed hands. The wind blew wild around us, sending a chill down my spine. My thoughts were bitter, angry. We had climbed high up this god forsaken mountain and now we had stopped at an out crop of rock that sat high above the world, shrouded in cloud. As soon as we arrived I had noticed the markings in the stone and the tall pillar in the centre of the circle, the one which I was now chained to.
A group of people stood off to the side, clothed in long green robes. They had been here when we had arrived and they had not moved since, although if I listened hard I thought that they could be chanting words, but the howling wind was determined to blow any words away.

"Just get it over with," I snarled. "What are you waiting for?"

The Elven King laughed as he stopped pacing for a moment to stand in front of me. His boots appeared in my vision and I spat on them, earning myself a swift kick to the stomach as he growled with disgust. I looked up at him wishing that I could burn through his skull with my gaze.

"We are waiting for her." He said smugly and his words filled my heart with dread.

"What do you mean," I whispered.

"We are waiting for her to arrive. And when she does she will watch you burn, and the last thing you will see on this Earth will be your death in her eyes." His voice was filled with a hatred that matched my own and I tried to get to my feet but his soldiers held me down.

"You will kneel," He snarled, "Like the dog that you are."

"She doesn't need to be a part of this." I said desperately, ignoring his insult. "Leave her out of it."

"She has already chosen her fate." The King chuckled. "She is almost here now in fact."

I looked over his shoulder to where Zalas stood stoically with his arms folded.

"How can you do this to her," I yelled at him in fury as I strained against my bindings. "She will never forgive you. Never."

His face turned towards me, his white eyes cold. "This is something that she needs to see if she is ever going to be rid of you. She needs to see that you are finally gone from her life for good. She needs to realise that you will always let her down."

"This will do none of that," I spat. "All she will have left is hatred. This will destroy her. You are destroying her."

The wind died down for a moment and his words were clear, cutting into my flesh like knives. "I'd rather she be destroyed than be in love with you."


(Circe's P.O.V)

I was at the base of the mountain now and although I had used the wind to push me faster I was still completely out of breath. But there was no time to rest and desperation was pumping through my veins making my movements clumsy and my eyes blurry.

A Siren's Crown (Book Two in the APK Trilogy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora