(20) Adventures

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Hi Guys,

This is a bit of a filler chapter sorry! I hope that you enjoy it anyway :) As you may have noticed I have decided to enter this story iin the Watty awards, I am confident I will get it finished on time :) 
It would mean a huge deal to me if you would spread and share this story on both Twitter and Facebook, by creating a status or a tweet, including the title of the story and the hashtag #wattys2014
For facebook, you can make a status on the fan page if you don't wish to make it on your own personal wall! 

Also, Amaryllis is a new charcter in the story that was designed by Lifefulloffantasy as a prize for wining one of the facebook competitions! She has been fine tuned by myself and I am looking forward to her being an awesome addition to the story :)

Thanks so much guys!
Love Daisy xx


(Circes P.O.V)

A gentle breeze kissed me awake. I was incredibly warm, and unwilling to wake up, I stretched luxuriously. A deep rumble, like the purr of a giant kitten vibrated with my body and finding that slightly strange I blinked my eyes open.

Good-morning Vanima

I sat straight up, realizing that I wasn’t in my room. I was in fact, sitting in the middle of a curled up dragon, Anthemin to be exact. His nose came around to nuzzle my hair, his great breath blowing strands of it around my face. I threw my arms around his neck and promptly proceeded to burst into tears.

It was a little while before I managed to calm down. Anthemin didn’t try to stop me, he just let me cry, his giant head nuzzling into my hair as he tightened his circle around me. Gradually my tears subsided and I was able to speak. I told him everything that happened, leaving out my excursion to Obsidian's room. I was in a big enough mess as is and I didn’t want to dwell on it any longer.

It was clear to me now that Obsidian hadn’t been framed; those words had simply been to gain my sympathies when he needed it. I had no doubt that the words he had spoken to me in the court room had been truthful. There was no doubting the contempt and disgust that I had swirling in his eyes as he had looked at me. I would not continue on with false hope, as much as my heart ached, it was time to try and move forward.

“I haven’t seen you in ages,” I sniffled, wiping my eyes. “I missed you so much.”

His voice was tender. I missed you too my Vanima. I had to wait for you to come to me, no-one would talk to me and it’s been very frustrating. Our bond isn’t strong enough for long range communication yet.

“Why is that?”

He huffed. The more time we spend together, the stronger our bond becomes. Experience, that’s all we need.  

“Ah,” I sat in silence for a while, taking in the room around me. It was a beautiful space, large and circular with a wide opening at one end, where the soft breeze was coming from. The whole inside of the room was made from dark polished wood. The floor was plush royal blue carpet, thick, almost like fur. “Do you like it here?” I asked.

Very much so, Anthemin agreed enthusiastically. We are allowed to hunt from the ocean whenever we please, as long as we take from the hunting grounds so as not to alarm the city.

I was surprised when I heard of hunting grounds and I wondered what they were. It didn’t occur to me that fish would still be a food here, the whole idea seemed slightly … wrong, but then I hadn’t seen any domesticated animals such as sheep or cattle so I supposed that they had to get their meat from somewhere. These hunting grounds would be interesting to see though.

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