(21) Worthy to Rule

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Hey Guys!!!
I confess, by the time I finished this Chapter I was too sick of it to go back over and edit it, so if there are mistakes I am sorry!! I will go over it another time and fix the descriptions etc but for now I just want to post it so that we can move forward!! :)

Also, if you want to nominate this for the Watty Awards 2014, remember to click the share button and use the #wattys2014 to vote! :) 

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter,
Lots of Love,
Daisy xx


(Obsidians P.O.V)

The dungeons were dark and smelt of sweat, blood and fear. There was no sound when I first arrived, just the gentle dripping of water leaking through somewhere. I was thrown into my cell, landing on my side on the rough rock of the floor. The cell was small and didn’t contain much. There was a hole in the floor, with a raised seat that I guessed was the toilet. A blanket was folded in the corner and I guessed that was what passed for a bed around here.

The bedroom that I had been in before was starting to look pretty good and as the door clanged shut behind me and I lunged for it, gnashing my teeth at the smirking face of the guard who waved the keys in my face, toying with me.

“We will be back for you later.” He chuckled. “You are going to wish you had never been born.”

I chuckled. “I’d like to see those puny arms of yours try.”

I spit in his face and he growled, reaching through the bars to grab me, but I dodged out of the way just in time and cockily backed away into my cell. I bared my teeth at him, flashing my eyes.

“I will see you later.”

The guard growled. “Hear my words traitor. By the time you reach the Elven King, you will know the true meaning of the word ‘broken’.”


The first few days were not so bad. I did not see the guard, despite his promise, but unfortunately that meant that I did not receive food either. And the silence was beginning to get to me. There was literally no sound apart from the steady dripping. Surely I couldn’t be the only prisoner down here, or was this city so well behaved that they didn’t have to lock anyone up?

I kept myself busy by doing push ups, sit ups, pull ups on my cell door and any other type of exercise I could manage in the small space of my cell. The rock walls on either side prevented me from seeing through to the other cells, and the door that they had opened to shove me through, only had a small square opening at the top that was barred. There was just enough grip at the top for me to hang myself from as I pulled my legs up to my head, over and over again, losing myself in the physical exertion.

It was on the third day that the thirst was beginning to get to me. The walls of the cell were damp, but even though I licked at them, there was not enough moisture there to satisfy my thirst. That was until there was a clanging noise and a small trapdoor at the bottom of my cell door was revealed. A small metal bowl of water was pushed through along with a hunk of bread.

I eyed the food warily as the trap door shut, but eventually my thirst took over. I was about to down the lot when I realised that I did not know whether I would start getting food regularly now or not. As much as it hurt, I forced myself to drink only half the water and eat a small amount of bread. The rest I tucked away in the corner of the cell, hiding it from prying eyes. Not that there were any.

My suspicions turned out to be correct; I did not receive any water or food for what I estimated was another three days, by which time the food was well gone and the water bowl was almost empty. I had tried to catch what water trickled down the side of the walls in the bowl, but what I did get was not enough to sate me.

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