(16) The Arrival

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Hey Guys,
Here is the next Chapter for you, I hope you all enjoy it :) I am super excited for what is to come so let me know what you think!

Love Daisy xx


(Unknown P.O.V)

Bare feet skipped quietly across the decks of the ships in the cold moonlight, until the door to Obsidian Bones's quarters halted the figure. As though on a breath of wind, the door clicked open silently and a shadow slipped through, shutting the door gently behind them. 

The room was dark, but quiet and the figure slid across the wooden floor-boards until they reached the beautiful stained glass mermaid that was set in the wall. Sneaky fingers slid out and with unnerving accuracy, reached for the hidden lock and popped it open. 

With one glance behind them, reassured by the unmoving mass in Obsidians bed, the figure slipped through the door, leaving it slightly ajar and moved down the hallway into Circe room. 

The girl lay sleeping in her bed, her golden hair splayed around her, her face a picture of serenity. Her hands were raised up around her hair, her fingers tangled in the golden strands. The blue of her pendant glimmered, peeking out just above the neckline of her night gown, as though it was taunting the figure. 

On silent feet, the person moved forward and with a touch as soft as a breath of air, they reached around her neck and ever so gently unhooked the pendant from around her neck. 

The thief held their breath for a heart beat, eyes fixed on the girls sleeping face, but she didn't move, only breathed out slightly, sinking further into her pillows. The figure turned around and hurried back the way they had come, until Obsidian's bed came into view. Treading ever so quietly, the thief approached, Obsidian's features gradually becoming more distinguishable. He too was in a deep sleep and the shadow couldn't help but sneer quietly. The ferocious Obsidian Bones, was easy pickings right now. 

Holding the stolen pendant out, the thief dangled it in front of the Captains face and breathed in deeply. They knew how it was supposed to work, one of the very few who did in-fact. As the figure began to swing the gem gently back and forth, they channeled energy from themselves to the stone and it began to glow, casting gentle light over the sleeping Captain's face. 


Slowly, his eyes flickered open, the golden orbs instantly captured by the swinging stone. 

"Can you hear me? Reply."

"Yes," Obsidian replied, still transfixed by the blue light. 

"Do you recognize me?"


"Well, you don't anymore, understand? And once we are finished, you will remember nothing. All right?"

"I don't know who you are, I will remember nothing."

"Good, now let us begin. This is what you are going to do."


Sometime later, the thief slipped through the passageway into Circe's room. She was still in the same position, although one hand now lay across her stomach. The shadow bent over her and gently re-fastened the pendant around her neck, carefully arranging it back to where it was earlier, peeking out above the neckline of her lacy night gown. 

Pausing once more at the door to look back at her, the figure stole through the night, back out on the deck of the ship where only the cold twinkling of the stars above bore witness to the silent figure that the night cloaked in shadows. 

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