(10) Thoughts, Plans and an Explanation

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Hey Guys!
So it's a bit of a quiet Chapter, but I hope you guys enjoy some more insight!! Thanks so much for the amount of votes that have been coming through, it's actually amazing!!
You know that I love you all,
Daisy xx


(Obsidian's P.O.V)

I woke when it was still dark. It was a habit of mine, one that I had fallen into over the years. I couldn't remember the last time that I had woken with the sun already high above the horizon. The first misty light of the morning crept silently under the door, the room was dim, but with my excellent eyesight I was still able to appreciate the sight of her in the bed beside me.

She was still sleeping, her bare chest rising and falling steadily under the blankets as she pressed herself closer to my side. Our legs were tangled together in the sheets, her hair splayed like woven gold across the pale pillows. The feeling of her skin and the soft curve of her breast against my skin had me hardening slightly underneath the covers and I flexed my muscles, trying to chase away the sleep from my body.

I would be lying if I said that I wanted to move. I was on fire as I lay there beside her, a slow, torturous, burning fire. Torturous because I knew that we would never be able to be together in the way that I wanted her, I was incredibly selfish, but I was not so selfish that I would cause her that much pain. Because it would bring pain, I would bring pain to her eventually.

I had not told her and I didn't want to. My time with this girl was growing shorter with each passing day. It had not been my intention to become so attached, but maybe it had been inevitable. After all, I had not needed to kiss her that night that I came to take her away, but I had and I hadn't been able to forget it ever since.

The memory had made me bitter, more so than I already was, because I knew that she was forbidden. I was a Pirate and she was the priceless treasure that I could not steal, that I could not hoard away. She was not just another jewel; she was the jewel, the jewel that made all others fade in comparison. She would be respected and revered. She would not be able to associate with me, that is if I was even still around to associate with.

I sighed deeply and she shifted, mumbling in her sleep. Her hair still glowed slightly around her face and her full lips parted, pink and swollen from the kisses that I had lavished upon them.

This wouldn't be like last time I had kissed her. I could not make her forget, the pendant hadn't worked on her permanently and eventually the effects had worn off. I could not bring myself to deny her again, to say the words that would make it seem like I didn't care, to see the pain, the hurt and the anger that would flash through her eyes, to feel empty as she ignored me and did anything and everything to stay out of my way.

But they could not know. Hobbson would disapprove. There was no doubt about that. He was fond of me; I knew that, he sympathized with my plight. But his duty was to his Queen and to his Princess and he knew fully the consequences of our being together. He would not be able to let it happen.

Cobalt could not know, but I refused to let him try to have his way with her either. He was in the same position as me, if his fate was slightly less dire. He still had no chance. Although, to be fair, he was less aware than me, I cared for my brother. It was my duty to secure his wellbeing, even though we were the same age, I was the one who had always carried the burden. I was the one they wanted.

Absentmindedly I stroked her hair, savouring the moment and unwilling to come back to reality. Because the reality was that I didn't know what to do. I had told her last night in the heat of our passion that no one could find out. She agreed, but shamed by my words I had been unable to look her in the eye, focusing instead on magic that was created by the touch of her lips against mine, and the fire that ignited between our bodies.

A Siren's Crown (Book Two in the APK Trilogy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin