(14) Truth & A Little Love

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Hey guys, here is Chapter 14!! This was quite a tricky Chapter for me to write, I hope that you guys can keep up with what is happening, I know it's been three weeks, but I am glad that these chapters are out of the way now!! 

Also! APK fan page on Facebook has reached over 700 memebers and now has enough people to become a closed group! This means that you wil have to be a part of the group to read any of the sneak previews of the Chapters that I put up there, before I put them up here! Also there will be chances to submit your fan art for a chance to be in the story :) There are also exclusive interviews with characters and any questions you have about the story will be answered on the fan page :)
We would love to have you as part of the Facebook family!

Enjoy the Chapter,
Thanks Guys,

Daisy xxx

P.S The dedication is for DanaScully for her beautifully written story, 'Collarbones'. Deeply emotional and moving, this story is a short one and didn't take too long to read, but was extremely moving and well thought out. Please go and check her out, her story is raising awarness about eating disorders and low self-esteem and also, most importantly, how you can help someone get through a very difficult time in their lives. 


(Circe's P.O.V)

The night passed quickly, full of merry laughter and excited chatter. The rain cleared up, the wind dwindling dow to a soft breeze. The moon hung low on the horizon, giant and bloated and reflected in the now clam waters, as did the stars, giving the illusion that we were sailing our ships through the sky. Food was plentiful, we were so close to our destination that it was alright to splurge our supplies slightly, and the feast brought up and improved the mood of the crew. 

A small space for a dance floor had been set up and a few of the Air Sprites, who had left the table already with full bellies, had taken up their curious instruments and set about bringing music to join us in our pleasure. The notes were as haunting and entrancing as always and as a few people began to dance, I found myself wanting to join. 

Opposite me, Obsidian rose from his seat, golden eyes flashing and extended his hand out to me. I took it and together we walked out  into the middle of the floor. His movements were conservative and careful as he placed his hand at my waist and pushed my hair from my face before taking my hand. His eyes held me captive as we began to move, his lead was strong and I followed him as he moved us gracefully around the other dancers, never faltering, his gaze never leaving mine. 

I could not work out the emotion that I saw then, within his eyes. There were so many and he was so guarded. He bent his head slightly, to whisper in my ear, the soft touch of his breath raising goosebumps on the back of my neck. 

"What are you thinking about?"


He chuckled, deep and throaty. "Yes you Darling."

I melted slightly at the endearment and licked my lips. "I don't know what to think of Aisling. She doesn't seem to like you at all."

Obsidian was silent for a moment before he continued speaking, quieter and more quickly than before. 

"Circe, you must understand that I am not a popular person, in any of the three Kingdoms. You must learn very quickly to judge for yourself and not to be lead in the wrong direction by those who would wish to take control of you, for your power and your status. When we arrive at the Water Kingdom, many things are going to change very quickly, do you understand?"

A Siren's Crown (Book Two in the APK Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now