(2) The Kingdom of Dragons

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Hey Guys!

Sorry - Just a short Chapter but I wanted to have something posted before I packed up my computor and moved back up to Dunedin, Art School starts back up on Monday!!

I will write soon, things are hopefully going to get a little more fast paced now *fingers crossed*

And dont forget to join my Facebook page! We have already had a winner of a cover competition become the next new Character in this story - Congradulations Laura xx - So if you want the chance to become part of the story too, go and join and keep up to date :D

Love you all,

Daisy xx


Where are we going? I asked, the question rebounding through my mind. Unabonan preferred if I got used to speaking internally. The more accustomed I became to it, the more it would benefit me later. He failed to specify exactly what later was, but I had a feeling that he didn't quite know himself, only that, there was indeed a later to come.

We fly to the nest-in-the-sky where the great Father first opened his wings and sent light out upon our world. 

That was the other thing about Dragons, they never gave straight answers and spoke as if they expected you to understand exactly what you were talking about. 

It is just because you are young Vanima, and you know nothing of our history. You will understand better by the end of the day.

I wriggled a little lower into the crook in Unabonan's neck. Although I knew we were flying extremely fast, the air was still and warm around me, a gentle breeze lifting my hair every now and then. It was like we were flying in a protective bubble and with a start I realized that could be exactly the case. Dragon magic was mysterious in the way that they didn't need a command to summon it, they simply thought what it was they desired to do. 

Zalas had explained to me that Dragons were created from magic in its purest form, in a sense they were magic, so therefore, should it not make sense that it would do their bidding? His statement, intended to clarify things, had only served to make me more confused but I had gotten the general gist of what he was talking about.

I yawned, I hadn't gotten much sleep last night after Naddy and I had eventually drifted back to bed. My mind was humming with questions that no answer had yet been provided for.  

Sleep if you wish Vanima, our journey takes us over the mountains, to the very edge of the Air Kingdom. We will be flying for quite sometime. I will not allow you to fall. 

As though reinforcing his statement, I felt the protective bubble of air tighten slightly and the air grew warmer as my eyelids gently drifted shut.


I awoke suddenly when a great a terrible roar of despair ripped through my mind. Such was my astonishment at being jolted awake so rudely, I forgot for a moment where I was and loosened my hold on Unabonan, causing my body to slip sideways in the air. I scrabbled frantically on the hard scales and, just in time, managed to latch back onto one of the great spines and pull myself back into sitting position. 

"Unabonan!" I cried out, my voice getting lost in the rushing of the wind, for the bubble of protection had disappeared and I was certain that we were flying at least as twice as fast as we were before I had fallen asleep and still gathering speed. 

A Siren's Crown (Book Two in the APK Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now