(24) My Crowning Glory

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(Circe’s P.O.V)

In the short time I had been here, everything had been leading up to this moment. I patted my hair nervously as I stood outside the grand doors, trying to calm my breathing. I had practised this morning, I knew what to do. It was almost excruciatingly simple. I just had to walk down the red carpet till I reached my Mothers throne, take the throne beside her, say the Rulers pledge and accept my crown.

It was easier said than done. We had gone over it so many time this morning that you would think that I had to cartwheel down the aisle and preform a series of elaborate and dangerous tasks before accepting a crown made of thorns, all while balancing an apple on my head.

I sighed and smoothed my dress. It was a beautiful dress, white and gold, a little more traditional in my eyes. It flared out at my waist and dropped to the floor, but continued to trail behind me in a short train. The cape that I wore over the top, traditional wear for any accepting their rightful place among royalty, was a gorgeous gold as well, and actually lighter than it looked. Delicate beading decorated the bat wing sleeves and the edges of the cape, giving it the appearance of being very heavy. The train extended a little longer than my dress underneath and it swished on the floor as I paced up and down.

I intended to talk to my Mother once I had time alone with her after the ceremony. I had talked to Cobalt about my plan after I had come down from the Dragon hold with Zalas. As far as I knew, Zalas did not know that it was Cobalt’s intention to come as well, and I intended to keep it that way.

I would find Cobalt after the ceremony, as soon as was polite and we would request an audience with the Queen. He would give his plea to join the group journeying to the Earth Kingdom first, and I after.

I patted at my hair again, hoping that it would stay in place. My blonde tresses had been piled delicately on top of my head, seemingly held there by magic, although I knew that it was in fact, a series of painful pins that I could have sworn had been pushed into my scalp itself.

My makeup was similar to yesterday in its extravagance, although this time instead of blue, I was coloured with the most beautiful pink that I had ever seen. The colour started at my shoulders and had been brushed up my neck, finishing at my cheekbones and fading out expertly. The pink made the blue in my eyes pop and my lips had been coloured a delectable red.

My nails had been filed and covered in a beautiful clear shine, as had my toenails and small golden diamantes made swirling lines on my hands, up the sides of my neck and across my breast.

I was simply beautiful and I should have been cherishing the moment but I could think of nothing else but getting through this so that I could speak with my Mother. It was like a sick feeling had settled in the pit of my stomach and I couldn’t focus on anything else.

There was a tap on my shoulder and I spun around to find myself looking into the familiar face of none other than Bernard Hobbson. His sympathetic eyes and kind smile threatened be the breaking point for me and unable to help myself, I hugged him tightly.

He patted my back gently, pulling away after a moment so that he could look into my eyes.

“Everything will be alright Circe. I have spoken to Cobalt and heard his side of the story.” He lowered his voice then, although we were alone in the hallway and the guards were dutifully looking in the other direction. “I have relayed my concerns to your Mother, she trusts my judgment. I will be accompanying the crew that are taking Obsidian to the Earth Kingdom, in order to look into the matter further and you will be coming as well. I suggested to your Mother that it would be a good show of faith to send the Princess to the Earth Kingdom to quell any animosity between the Kingdoms.”

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