(29) The Earth Kingdom

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Hey Guys!

I hope you all enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Sorry for being a little slow on the update, I have had a busy week! Hope the year is starting out great for everyone so far,

Love Daisy xx


(Circe's P.O.V)

“Watch this.”

Around half an hour had passed since Ambrose had given me the shock of my life and I couldn’t believe how good it was to see him here, I had realized how much I had missed him. I had told him about my progress in training and he said that my Mother would be pleased. He had filled me in on what had been happening while I was gone, mostly political things that I didn’t really need to worry about yet and after sometime, having exhausted all conversation for the moment, we had lapsed into a comfortable silence.

I looked now as Ambrose, lying on his stomach his elbows resting on the stream bank, dipped the tip of a long slender finger into the water and begin to twirl the water into a little whirlpool, gradually lifting his finger upwards with the movement.

I watched in amazement as, frozen to the end of his finger by a minuscule droplet, he pulled a delicately crafted ice figurine from the water. Detaching it from his finger, he passed the figure to me with a slight smile, where I balanced in on my palm; it was in the shape of a tiny unicorn, rearing up on his hind legs, every hair in his mane and tail visible, every muscle in his tiny body perfectly in proportion.

I gazed at him with wonderment. “He is beautiful.”

Ambrose smiled. “Watch”

Gently he took the Unicorn from me and placed him on the surface of the water, where, to my delight, he did not sink or melt, but instead came alive, the two front hooves touching down to paw at the water, his tiny nostrils flaring as he took off across the surface, cantering in circles. Much to my delight everywhere his perfect hooves touched turned to ice for a moment before melting back into the stream and the beautiful creature paused in front of us for a moment, tossing his mane around proudly before Ambrose twirled a finger and the minuscule unicorn sank back down to join the stream.

For a moment I didn’t know what to say. “Wow.” That still didn’t seem to cover it. “That was … incredible. Like nothing I have ever seen before. Where did you learn to do that?”

Ambrose laughed. “When you have been around as long as I have, you pick up a trick or two.”

“Could you teach me how to do that?” I asked eagerly.

He smiled. “I could, but wouldn’t that take the magic out of it?” His voice was teasing and I pouted.

“Maybe, but I have to learn at least one cool, completely pointless thing. Otherwise what is the fun in having magical powers?” I wiggled my fingers at him.

My mind was still reeling from what he had done. Such beautiful magic, so perfectly crafted. He had to teach me.

“Well I would teach you, but unfortunately you will have to be a little more advanced before you can do that. Controlling a form is very tricky magic.” His eyes laughed at my disappointed face. “Shouldn’t we be getting back anyway? You have been gone from the campsite for a long time.”

“You are probably right,” I said. “Although I don’t imagine they will be too worried, Anthemin knows where I am.”

Ambrose stood gracefully, pulling me up with him. His hand left little tingles on my palm when he pulled away.

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