(15) Something Brewing

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HEY GUYS I NEED TO APOLOGIZE, I thought that I had posted this a couple of weeks ago but I completely forgot to, I have beens o busy with school work. Thankfully though I am well into the next chapter so it will be up sooner. Thanks very much for your patience and i hope the year is going well for you all!!

Happy reading,
love Daisy xxx


(Obsidian's P.O.V)

I woke when the sun first began to extend it's golden fingers through the cracks in the door, the beams of light stretching out to inch across the floor. At first I could not bring myself to move. I felt her against me, my arms wrapped tightly around her, her hair splayed across the pillows, her face content. Her chest was pressed against my own, her heat seeping through to me and she sighed a soft sigh of contentment, her lips curling up slightly at the corners. 

I smiled, knowing that what we had shared from last night had followed her into her dreams. My satisfaction was absolute. She was mine and only mine. Her hand inched a little higher up on my chest, her slim fingers grasping at my skin as she let out a breathy little moan that had my eyes rolling into the back of my head as I felt the rest of my body 'wake' up. I groaned as she unconsciously shifted her leg slightly, brushing over a particularly sensitive part of my abdomen. Trying desperately not to wake her I untangled my limbs from hers and slid out of the bed reluctantly, stretching out my muscles as I stood. Looking downwards, I grimaced. I needed a cold … something. 

I opened the door to Circe's balcony, letting the morning sunlight come through. The first rays of the morning were just beginning to peek out above the water, turning the sea golden with a magnificent sunrise. I looked back to Circe who had taken my absence as an opportunity to splay herself out across the entire bed, her legs tangled in the sheets. The soft flesh of her breasts were exposed and I groaned as the sight did nothing to calm my 'situation'. 

I reached down to grab my trunks that had been carelessly thrown away in last nights passion. Pulling them on I stepped outside, trying to focus my thoughts on something other than the beautiful woman still sleeping just inside the door. 

Looking around, I could see that no-one else was up yet which was lucky, not that I would have ventured outside if people had been around. The Air Kingdom ships had moved a little further in front of our vessel last night, the sudden breeze picking up their lighter boats and helping them travel faster. Out at the very back of the ship, there was no chance that I would be caught unawares. 

Or at least, so I thought. 

As suddenly as she had appeared before me the last time, she was there. The black Dragon rose from the water as though it was more her home than the Air. I started, before gathering my composure and sneering at her. Now was not the most dignified time for me. I was still sporting a problem downstairs and was clothed only in my underwear. I was the picture of guilt.

However, either she did not realize or she simply didn't care. Her voice invaded my mind and I was instantly on the defensive, throwing up my mind blocks and letting out a hiss of pain and anger as she rammed through them, her otherworldly spirt flying around and around my consciousness like a growing tornado.

You must come with me. 

"I am not going anywhere with you," I hissed, clutching at my head, fully away that Circe was only a few steps away and could wake up at any moment. 

You must come with me.

"Just because you repeat it, it doesn't mean that I will do as you ask!" I spat out. "Get out of my head."

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