A Recollection of Events.

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This is a small recollection of events that has happened so far in the Story. Starring Obsidian and Cobalt Bones in an 'interview' of sorts with myelf. I thought it would be a fun thing to do for everyone :) And I also get to pretend I am meeting my characters :o :D xx

If you guys would like to ask some questions for them to answer, feel free in the comments down below. I am sure that they would love the attention :) Next Chapter will be up soon -fingers crossed- 

Love Daisy xx

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"Love ..."


"There's two strange looking guys at the door ..."

"Who you calling strange boy?"

I swiveled round in my computer chair at the familiar voice, hadn't I imagined that very tone, over and over again in my mind? 

Cory's back was to me, his arm blocking the face of the stranger. He turned at the same time as me, a scowl marring his face.

"Do you know this guy?"


"Move aside boy, of course she knows us, she was the one who thought us up in the first place." The voice growled and at the same time Cory was shoved aside and the mysterious person was revealed.

My mouth dropped open.

"But, but, but your-

Obsidian Bones rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah whatever, look myself and Cobalt decided it was time for intervention."

"What do you mean?" I stammered. "Colby's here too?"

"Present!" Came a cheerful voice and Cobalts shaggy head appeared from around the corner of the door. He waved enthusiastically, a grin splitting his face. "Greetings o all powerful creator of magic words."

Obsidian rolled his eyes and stormed forwards until he was looming directly over top of me, one long finger pointing at my face.

"Let's cut to the chase. Why am I hardly in the story at the moment? It's an outrage! I'm supposed to be the main character for pete's sake!"

"It creates suspense for the reader," I stammered, trying to keep his wavering finger in view. "people will want you more if you aren't in the story for a while."

Cobalt suddenly appeared, smacking his brothers hand aside and staring him down. "Bones," He hissed, "don't be so selfish, you know that wasn't the question."

Obsidian rolled his eyes. "Fine. We came today to see why you haven't been writing the story as much as you used to. There is only so much suspense people can take you know."

Cory chose this moment to find his voice and stomped over to join the party. He craned his neck up to look at Obsidian, folding his arms and puffing out his chest as he did.

"Who the fuck are you?" He demanded, eyeing the Captain up and down.

Obsidian Bones does not take well to being given the 'eye' and I could tell he was two seconds away from swatting Cory aside the way one might flick a piece of lint off a shirt.

"Babe," I said through gritted teeth. "These are the characters from the book that I told you about, you know the one with the Pirates?"

"Obsidian Bones. Who are you?" Obsidian said loudly, speaking straight over top of me and looking disdainfully down at Cory. To give the boy credit, he didn't back down in the slightest.

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