(17) Welcome

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Hellooo all, 
Here is the next Chapter, hope you all enjoy :)
Daisy xx


(Circe's P.O.V)

I was still fuming.

Anthemin nudged my side gently with his head, showing his sympathy. Hobbson was walking on my other side of me and he patted my back, his voice still tight with anger.

"It's alright Circe. Its protocol, just until we reach the Kingdom and then we will see what your Mother has to say about this."

I kicked the ground moodily, looking up to where Obsidian walked, with four soldiers in front of him and four behind, his hands still cuffed behind his back. His head was held high and his back straight as his cloak swished on the rough ground behind him. His hat was the only thing that was missing; I had it clutched in my hands, having picked it up from the spot that it had fallen when they had arrested him.

"I don't understand why this is happening." I mumbled, a frustrated tear slipping down my cheek. "It's not fair."

"I know," Hobbson replied. "But Aisling is following protocol, even if she went too far, I am sure that your Mother would not have ordered this." His tone was disappointed and I did not understand why he couldn't do something about it, she was his wife after all.

Words that he had spoken to me long ago suddenly resurfaced in my mind,

The Water Kingdom is run by the women; the men have no say in the running of the Kingdom, although they are valued greatly for their strength and fighting skills. They contribute to the race in different way, it's difficult to explain, you will understand once you see it.

All of a sudden, his lack of reaction was making more sense and I wondered if Aisling was actually married to him, or was he married, or more like, bound, to her?

I sighed. "Isn't there anything I can do? I mean I am supposed to be the Princess after all."

Hobbs smiled at me and ruffled my hair. "As much as I know you would like to Circe, this is out of your hands. You cannot ignore protocol, its part of any world. You might be able to have influence on the out-come, but there is nothing that you can do about it right now. You will just have to bear it."

At that moment, Aisling turned around from the front of the procession, her eyes catching mine. There was nothing there, when she looked at me, although I made sure to give her the most evil glare that I could muster.

Suddenly a hand tapped my shoulder and I looked to the side to see that one of, what I now presumed to be the Water Kingdoms soldiers, had caught up to us and was looking at me nervously. He stumbled slightly and twisted his hand in the custom greeting of the Water Kingdom, bowing as best as he could while trying to keep up with the procession.

"Y-y-your Majesty. It is a great honour to finally meet you." He bowed again, his face nervous and his adams apple bobbing up and down. He was actually quite handsome, his blonde hair was a similar shade to Nathaniel's and my own, but it was long like Zalas's and tied back in a neat ponytail at the base of his neck. "My name is Roman."

Hobbson nudged me in the side, reminding me to be polite. I repeated the gesture back to him and dipped my head, all that was required of me as a Princess, and tried not to look too angry as I replied to him. This whole issue was not his fault, he was just following orders.

"Greetings Roman, I am Circe."

He nodded and blushed slightly. "I k-know your Majesty. The entire Kingdom has been eagerly awaiting your arrival, ever since the Queen told us of your existence, and that you would be returning to your native land, here with us. I h-hope that you will not judge us too harshly for our actions back at the ship, it was not a good first impression to make."

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