(13) Newcomer

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  • Dedicated to To my Boners on Facebook xxx

Hi Guys,

Firstly I would like to send out a huge thankyou to those of you who have sent me emails that I have yet to reply to, asking if I am okay. I am perfectly fine, thankyou for your concern! :)

Secondly, I would pretty much just like to repeat what I sai on my Facebook fan page and apologize for being away for so long again. I don't have an excuse, I have just been slack at bumping my writing up on my list of things to do. Something as big as this becomes harder and harder to come back to, the longer you stay away - I understand that i have upset a few of you and I am very sorry for that.

I want to thank deeply, all of you who have been amazingly understanding. I owe you guys so much! I will not promise anything to do with this story, however I will finish it, and if you are willing to stick around then great!! If you aren't, I'll be sad, but understand. I just ask that you take your unkind comments somewhere else, and turn them into positive feedback for another author!

Thanks very much for your patience, your understanding and your kindness!

Love Daisy xxx

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Re-cap (Because it has been along time)

Basically, the past few chapters have been about Circe's journey to to Water Kingdom and most importantly, to meeting her mother! Her and Obsidians relationship is growing, while she has finally told Cobalt that they will never be anymore than just friends.

Amoung other things, the important details that we need to pick out is that, Nathaniel has a twin brother somewhere, Unabonan and Zalas are brothers, (its complicated, re-read that chapter), and Circe is not human, but a mixed breed of Air &Water Sprite and Siren.

In the last chapter we saw Circe ride into battle upon her Dragon Anthemin, the young Dragon that she bonded with in the Air Kingdom. They were fighting a Water Demon, that had been born from the storm.

To find out the outcome, ENJOY THE NEXT CHAPTER BELOW!

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Circe's P.O.V

Death was inches away from me.

We lifted upwards and slightly to the side, Anthemin thinking on his feet faster than I. I was still frozen in time, the shockwave that had forced us back immobilizing me. I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe. The Demons jaws missed us by centimeters; it's sickly breath washing over my face, stinking of death and decay. The poison crawled into my nostrils, choking me, paralyzing me further.

I gagged and felt bile rise up from in my throat. Somewhere in amongst the howling gales and thrashing seas I could hear someone calling my name, willing me back to reality. But they were too far away, their cries too weak to pierce through these walls of fear that had sprung up around me in ambush.

And then,


Unabonan's voice was like a bucket of cold water, gushing into my mind and bringing me back with a jolt. Suddenly everything was ten times louder and ten times more forceful than before. I looked behind me through haze filled eyes, Anthemin was pushing himself, we were in front of the Demon, but it's soulless whirlpool eyes had locked on us again and I knew it was only a matter of time before ...

Watch out!

The cry came from everywhere and suddenly something else was rising from the ocean, atop a quickly building turret of swirling water. But wait, not something.

Someone ...

At the speed Anthemin and I were flying, it was hard to get a good look at exactly who this person was, although they had a frightful aura spinning around them, at such a speed too, that it looked almost like a shield.

A Siren's Crown (Book Two in the APK Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now