(19) Shatter

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Hey Guys,
I am aware that this isn't a very long chapter, however it is quite a powerfull one and I was going to drag it out a little longer but I feel that it need to end where it ended. Don't worry though, the next chapter should be a bit longer than this one :)

Happy reading!
Love Daisy xx


(Obsidian’s P.O.V)

It had been hours since she had left. The moon had disappeared long ago, and now the sun was being to make its appearance and I was ready. I was ready for this to be over. I stood at the window, looking out the courtyard and felt as though my heart was slowly crumbling into dust. Fury replaced my insides, cold hard fury and anger and rage. Rage at myself, for allowing this to happen, for being in this situation. Anger towards everyone who was against me, who longed for my death. Fury towards my Father and what he had brought down on me. And now I was to pay for his crimes.

There was a knock at the door and I snarled in reply, feeling a feral instinct rise up from inside of me. This had to be it. This had to be the moment. The door burst open and I dropped to my knees, clutching my head in pain. It was as though a dam had burst open inside of my mind, and suddenly, I knew what I had done.

“Get to your feet traitor!” He jabbed me with his rifle and a roar ripped through me as I reached up to swipe the gun from his grasp, sending it clattering to the other side of the room. I rose slowly to my feet, the monster tearing its way out, my head still throbbing. I smiled evilly at the now unarmed guard.

“Do you want to do that again?”


(Circe’s P.O.V)

Time seemed to stop as he was forced into the room, battling them every step of the way, his hands tied in front of him and covered in blood. The guard on the left had a nasty gash above his eye, and was trying to wipe the blood from his face while at the same time trying to keep a hold on him. The guards at the door posts rushed to his aid and the injured man fell back, sitting down on one of the pews at the back.

Obsidian was brought to his knees in front of us, his eyes wild, his pupils narrowed into slits. He gnashed his pointed teeth, snarling furiously. He struggled against the guards again, lashing out with his bound hands, his chest heaving. His shirt fell open as he thrashed around and I saw that he had been beaten on the way here.

“Zalas,” My Mother beckoned him forward. “If you would be so kind,”

Zalas smirked, stepping forward. “It would be my pleasure your Highness.”

Before I could say anything, he had thrust his hands out towards Obsidian, rooting him to the spot with incredible power. Twisting his hands as though he was controlling a puppet, he forced Obsidian to kneel again, his hands in front of him. Tears sprung to my eyes as his head was forced up, his eyes wild, his teeth bared, until his chin was painfully angled, forcing him to look straight at us.

Zalas however was enjoying himself, his face twisted into a hate filled sneer. He walked forward to the immobilized pirate, bringing his fist back before releasing it with inhuman force, punching him right in the face. I winced in pain as I heard the horrible crunch of his nose breaking, but Obsidian did nothing but snarl back at his attacker, spitting out words through the blood that was now pouring down his face.

“Feel better?”

Zalas smiled, leaning down. “I will now,” He said spitefully, before ripping Obsidians pendant off his neck with unnecessary force. He swiftly kicked him in the stomach so hard that I felt as though I could see his ribs cracking through his shirt.  Obsidian roared, his gold eyes burning with unleashed fury, but there was nothing he could do with Zalas’s power still rooting him in place.

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