Suggestion Needed Please!

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*Read before voting!!!!

Hi! Yeah naneyy dhan nenachadha vida maths easy ah dhan pa irundhuchu and kedacha gap la vandha idea vechi oru pudhu story start pannen and iam quite satisfied with the story line. The thing why I came here is... Should I post the story? Well, I already finished drafting 4 chaps already and am drafting the 5th one ryt now...

 Should I post the story? Well, I already finished drafting 4 chaps already and am drafting the 5th one ryt now

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

What shall I do? (Indha ur wish ngra velai yellam venam please I  need a suggestion)

It's a ashangi FF and Collage love story

Waiting for ur suggestions... your votes will also be taken as a yes for this


🤷‍♀️ Suppose unna khadhalichi 🤷‍♂️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin