Episode 4: Game of Life

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Well here we are, episode 4.  For this episode, i'm still unsure how I feel about it personally, but story wise I feel it makes a lot more sense. Here's hoping this episode is up to par with my first 3. So here we are, episode 4. Enjoy!

Current teams.

















Jeff: Previously on Survivor! James became a new member of the La Mina tribe and quickly found himself in a precarious position.

James (confessional): It's like I've just entered a war zone.

Jeff: Despite worrying about his position, Willow saw him as a potential ally and formed an alliance with him.

Willow: If us two can stick together, we can do this.

James: Alright, I'm in.

The shot was shown of the two of them sharing a fist bump.

Jeff: While at Casaya, Herbie grew closer to his tribe.

Rita: So, you have a band, Herbie?

Herbie: Yeah, started one after I moved out.

Rita (confessional): Herbie's involvement with the tribe has really helped us become more unified and has allowed us to enjoy this morning.

Jeff: And the newly unified Casaya tribe banded together to win the reward challenge.

Jeff: Casaya wins their first reward!

Jeff: This time, the winners at to send someone from the losing tribe to Exile Island.

Maddie: We're going to send Jordan.

Jeff: Back at Casaya, Maddie and Rita came up with a plan to keep them safe, while breaking up the alliance of 4.

Maddie: If we tell Ryan that Monica spilled the beans about their group, then Ryan will tell Noah and Noah will trust his word and hopefully they'll target Monica.

Jeff: While at La Mina, outsiders James, Neleh and Willow plotted to flip Monty to their side.

Neleh (confessional) Out of that 4, Monty seems like the most likely to flip. We decided on this plan to wait until Jordan returns from Exile. Then we can tell Monty that Jordan has the idol and that he and Scott are playing both sides. It's a good plan that could work but it needs to be stuck to.

Jeff: While both tribes were plotting away, over at Exile, Jordan came up with his own scheme.

Jordan: Maybe I can just lie and say I do have the idol. Maybe then they'll be too scared to vote for me.

Jeff: At the immunity challenge, Jordan re-joined his tribe to one of the most brutal challenges yet.

Shots of people wrestling were shown.

Jeff: And La Mina battled their way to win their first immunity challenge.

Jeff: La Mina wins Immunity!

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