Episode 8: Let the War Begin

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It is time. The merge of Survivor Panama: Exile Island is probably my favourite portion of the whole season and you'll soon get why that's the case. This episode alone is pretty good and will set the stage for what's to come in future episodes. With a couple of adjustments from the original season, who knows how this merge will play out?

Not much else to say from me apart from enjoy the episode!

Current tribes.














Jeff: Previously on Survivor! After tribal council, Sabrina was mad at Monty for flipping.

Sabrina: Well thanks because now you've screwed us.

Monty: Please, you've screwed yourself.

Jeff: At Casaya, feeling isolated, Ryan knew that he was in trouble.

Ryan: Maybe they're mad because I'm still here. Well I'm sorry ya'll are going to have to deal with it.

Jeff: At the reward challenge, both tribes competed for a visit to a local Panamanian village.

A small montage of the reward challenge was shown.

Jeff: And La Mina took home the win.

Jeff: Ryan in the mud first. La Mina wins Reward.

Jeff: After the challenge, Ryan struck a deal with James in hopes of escaping another tribal council.

Ryan: If we lose, I'm gone. If you throw it, I'm on your side.

James nodded his head.

Jeff: At the Panamanian village reward, La Mina filled their bellies.

Jordan: Knowing that we were going to eat after so long, we were just excited to get off the boat.

Jeff: And got their minds off the game for an afternoon.

Monty: We got a feast, we got to hangout. We got to watch the sunset, it was beautiful. One of the best days of my life.

Jeff: After they got back, the alliance's target shifted from Jordan to Sabrina.

James: He has more of a chance of sticking with us than Sabrina does.

Jeff: At the immunity challenge, a twist involving Exile Island, would mean that one person from the losing tribe would be safe.

Jeff: The person you send to Exile Island will not go to tribal council tonight. That means they cannot be voted out.

Jeff: Despite the twist, James kept his word to Ryan and proved to be ineffective at the puzzle.

Jeff: At this point, James is just another piece that Jordan has to manage.

Jeff: Allowing Casaya to take away immunity once again.

Jeff: Casaya wins immunity!

Jeff: And everything seemed straight forward for the La Mina tribe until Sabrina made an announcement.

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